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ROLL CALL VOTE <br />F4YE-a o Ccrmmi ssi ors F=r-=_ F+c-,r--cy~r- ., !-1or.c: r-r ., HcJV i r~dl'z a i"!:_3 t": r~r-rz 'and <br />C I-~ a i. r- m a r'a 1"1 i c: 1--t ca 2 o t t i <br />h1L_lE8 c Nont-= <br />A E3 ~S EE hI-'C':: None== <br />F-a T:3:_~'-I" A :t: hl ~ N o n t::. <br />F:f=solLati es r'r hl cr .. F'G--89--2C>"7 we-a<_i cr-it Er-ca ei and ~-: ca oK:>t: E~_el r-E.e omm~ndtir-aG <br />appr'ov<_a 7. ca-P Casa f='IJ D-----E~:31 __:=. C>.--49D as mot i or-ied . <br />G P.-- 89.- 6..'a....__F Z -' 8 9- 1_(S..a_.__J ~ m Q s_..._~ n d.__. S u m as n._._M c D o w E 1- 1'_ <br />App 1 i cat i on to amend the Land tJ tae E1 ement deli gnati on of the <br />General F'1 an for the appro:t i matel y 4. `57 aereQ si to 1 oc at ed at <br />2.:~C>~ Vineyard Avenue from "Agri col tore and Car az 3 ng" to the "Low <br />Den~i ty Re~i denti al " desi gnati on and to prey one the same <br />property to the PIJD tPl anned Unit Devel opment> Low Density <br />Residential Di strict or to any other deli gnat i ons deemed i n the <br />pa_ablic inter est_ <br />hI r',. Swi {'t. pr'fa ~>~?n-t~ci tt~E? st asf{ r-E_por-t r-F-c ornmE~+ndir'i cs dE±r-ai r_al of <br />tir_.__Oy.__E> and i=~:Z--£39--16_ <br />Comma !->si ca r-aar' 1"lahr-rr-a a=; k: t.d i -4~ ttoi ~~ par-c: Er1 i s rannca v. c--?d :i n -t. testa city <br />a'(= "t'. i't Ca p ('.. E? s t' 1't {_ '~ 1 fYT f"~ I"i t'- ~~ W 1 f- "L S a i. d t t"t a t i "t ]. S n Ca t . <br />Corn rra :i t>=sii Cs ra car IW sa taerr-a <_z <_=iF=: E+ck i {: tFi a=y caeni cad i t: ~ ccJ a_a1 d i -t bt_ <br />rape{^crvfad -tl-ar-ougl-~ tt~ra ct~Lanty. 1"I r-.. ~4w i. -f t. reasp ondr•?t~ that tl-a tay <br />w ot..a1 d not be atal c? -to get a_e r`b:.zn sL-: r"vi e:a=s 't ti r-oLaq t'a t: tl E_~' c: Cl Lan-may y =-. a_t e_t~ <br />as =.e=wt==r-- ~L-. r-c_•a-t: rn c-~r~-tc arrd aia t. c.r _ <br />C orn rn :i ^. >:i one>r- Hc~r an ac=; 4=:c=d what i =: 1 oc: a-t. ead nF=r: t 'i:: c:~ L. rat -7 _ <br />M r- _ £:> w (i. ~4~ t. _s :a :i. d t~41-a ra d o w (:~ :L i -P -P s R c g i o r-. a l P' r_a r- F•: i s n c--»: t -l_ 0 1_. o -t. 7_ <br />(_'.O{Yl rn :L =>!-si Ca r't E?Y"" t--1 Cl Ali ngtl cl :i ES tC t_aB G~Ca f~ "t. tlB L?it ca'l=l_as (:J{- tl ]. r"t!'yi9ar Cy f3YGnl_l E: <br />r' C"? rt2 :L :L C~ rl rn E? fl t W ]. '(_ 1"'t s't". a -f f <br />Cca rn rnl Sri E31 cTrl E3 r'- In{E?Y""gE?r c=a ~~. E•: E''C1 Mr f3 H.ri ~f't tCa a dE:?rl 't :i 'f'y 't'. {-1 C~~i_ pE?Clpl C Wtl f=~ <br />za r-e~ <a :l.=so ir-itr=rc stud ira annc: r. rati on.. Mr-.. :~wi~f t. identi {:L t?.d 'thocs ca <br />T h7 e.._.~t_ib_l_a_c-----_t-a e.eri ng...._was opened _ <br />..T r;x rn E? cs 1"! e: D Ca w c- :L :L ~ 4 ~ > 9 h.1 es « 1 E31= r- E? E t ~ r c<_ p r-' s_ s e r-a t e? of -t t~ r=:• as p p l i c= a t :i o n _ <br />1--i ra r~a r_-?-t rd tFa p=at F'c~t t-_r- Mae: De:?n <=_al d an cl Ivli F:: t=? Coop ar ar'c al pr.-as?s ant_ <br />t. Ll .::. n <...=.i w ~: r- q a..a rr.' ~ : tc :i o r-t ~~ _ 1--1 <_ =_:i a i d 't !-~ a t 't. 1--r r- c_~ E: y E= a r s rs y a Fa E-? b u :i :L t_ a <br />V:i c-t=.or--i an Fa t_>t_tsa on N(--_--?a7. Str-c-=ei-. r and si r-a c_-c. t1-tat -tti me h.a <br />d 1 5_> C: cJ V E3 Y"" E'3 d "t. t"1 £-? a~ i. rl G y a r- d s i. 't'. ~ ca r1 CI W U I_l 1 fa I i. F+: E? t <:a t3 i_t i .L (J n 1 n h3 L3 a n g .L E'"3 <br />{'~•tm i. ].y ti cama~> {-_tl Ea ice[?.. f•'i P. pLa't: L(p a r-c.ndc?r-i. rag r_s-£ a pr-oF:ros(=d <br />prcaJa=c.. -r., tt ea r-aotr•=d 't.ha-t. tta ca ar-ca <-a i!-~ <br />a jai r_~ r- t. o ~{: i <~ 1 a r-a d a r~ c-1 -¢ a= ~ 1 ~ ~ :i t_ <br />w o u 1 d !-a e~ t_a n i ea a e: ¢ C71" V 3. C= 'L. el 1'- :L ran Ya o m t.a s » 1-~ ca d c? s e.. r- i. to n~ d 'te 1-a to 1_> r o p ea s e? d <br />taomr===_>~ arse ._-,a:id t-ae woLel el pl ar-a =_~t onE strc: eats r<_it t-. c?r tFi arm as=pt~aa-t: ., <br />w i t. t-. as (:a n E~ -- .l. art c= c-. o v tom. r'- ea ci to r' i d c7 c- c_'? n 'l-. 1-a e> sit. (_ _ 1-{ c-= p 1 a n <s -F car- a <br /> <br />