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The public heari no was-„_cl osed_. <br />R motion was made by Commi ssi on er Mahern ~ seconded by <br />Commi ssi or~er Herger that al 1 the f i ridi ngs can be made and <br />approving Casa Z-89-625=. subject to the conditions of the staff <br />r t=p ort . <br />ROLL CALL __VOTE <br />AVES: Commi ssi oners EKer ~ <br />9er Horan ~ Hovi ngh ., Iotah ern „ and <br />Ghai rman Mi chel otti <br />NOES' . Non e <br />RE<SENTe None <br />AL-aSTAINe None <br />Rasol uti on No. F•C-89-90 was entered and ad opted ap pr puff ng Casa <br />Z-89--62°' as> mat i on ed _ <br />Tract =699. Robert Connol 1 v <br />Application of Robert Connolly for a one-year extension to <br />record an approved tentative tract map to subdivide an <br />approximately 2_ 4-acre si to into nine parcels for single-f ami 1 y <br />residential use, ranging in size from approximately B~pC}Cr sq. <br />-Ft. to appro>cimate2y 21 X000 sq. ft. located at 306 Neal Street. <br />Zoning for the property i s PUD (P'1 anned Unit Devel opment ) <br />Medium Dens3 ty Residential di stri ct_ <br />Mr. Swi itt presented the staff rec-omnaendi ng approval of- 'i-r act <br />5699 st_abject to the= conditions o-F the staff report. <br />__T_r'!~ _~bl i.c h~ari ncJ-_wa~_oo erLed - <br />Dr. F:ob ert Connol 1 y ~ 3C>6 Neal Street ., represented the <br />appl ic=anon. He said Mr. Swift has correctly portrayed his <br />feel i ngs. Ha does not wi sh to gel 1 his property ~ ba_et wants to <br />k-eap prac_ti ci ng Fais profession. <br />Ron Sandberg ~ 45Lr Neal Street ~ jai d he has no deli re to L¢eep <br />Dr _ Connol 1 y from level opi ng his prop art y. Based on some <br />d evel opmant i r't the area ~ he felt that the houses were buff 1 t wi th <br />no r-ag and to the rani ghbor 's pri vac <br />theme rasi dents Y- tie e>:pressed concern that <br />near- that area would not be taicen into <br />consi derat i on as to the type cif homes that might be con strut tad _ <br />Chaff rman Mi chel ott i ass~.ared Mr . Sandba_arg that the applicant i s <br />simply req uestinq a twel va-month a>;tensi an in order- to allow <br />time to c-ompl eta the rec ordi ng of the final map. Comments and <br />c oncar-ns fo~^ the ovar~al2 project would be taL::en at a tat er date. <br />1`9r. Sandberg st at ad he would liL:e to be L:ept inf or'-med and <br />i nvol ved i n the prof act. <br />Commi ssi on er F-loran as:pressed c.onf t_asi on wi th Mr _ <br />concern. S'andbt_irg 's <br />F•age 8 <br />T _. _. <br />