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Commi ssi on er Mah ern as}ced Mr . Swift i f tf-sere i s a Faouse already <br />on the prop erty_ Mr _ £3wi f t said there i s a hoa..ase there_ <br />Commissioner Mal-aerr~ as}red Mr_ Swift for cl arific_ati on regardir~y <br />the title search for the property. <br />Commi ssi on er Ma!-earn as}: ed Mr _ Swift i f tt-ae Hunts owe the City <br />anything. Mr. Swift said the H~.a rats owe there Cit <br />previous lawsuit filed b Y nothi ng_ q <br />the sal 1 ers Y the Hurats against Mr. and Mrs. bl ac}c ~ <br />~ armed Mr. Herb Si ngl et ors ~ has been settled. <br />Commi ssi on er Horan as}.:ed how ma-ach the Hunts had to pay <br />Mr . Si ngl et ora _ Mr _ Swift did not }snow the amoa_ant ~ i ridi cat ed <br />they had to pay basi 1 y because of the 1 ac}~ of a title search <br />and tit 1 e i nsur anc e. <br />TI1e oub 1 i c _haar i no was ocean ad . <br />Etlward Foul sore ~ attorney ~ represented the a <br />brief 1 y e>:pl ai ned what head Iran spired on the cases and1 sai d that <br />Mrs. Hunt has paid Mr _ Si nql et ora and that the suit has beers <br />completely sensed. <br />Commi ssi on er Mahern as},ed Mr _ Foul son wheat Mrs. Hunt wants to do <br />wi th tt~e 1 ots_ 1-la i ndi cat ed the a-t shee would 1 i }~e to call the <br />l ots_ <br />Lengthy di sca_assi on en sa_eed. <br />Cheri rman Mi chel otti said she could not ma}:e the f i ndi nys_ <br />Darryl Al e>:and er al so rt_~presen tad the application. He did not <br />thi n}c they would be setting the precedent that the staff rap ort <br />i ndi cat ed and thought that this has beery done i n t=•1 ea canton <br />bef ore _ <br />Thae.~bl i_c 1-ie~ri no w~ss cl os_ed__._ <br />Commi ssi on err Mah ern stated that bee aa_ase of the past hi story of <br />that part i cul err area ~ she fal t they would be compromi sing by <br />sa_abdi vi di ng the 1 ots. She did not 4:now i f there City had army <br />liability regarding the situation. She could not st_a <br />apps i carat _ pport the <br />Commi ssi on err t-iovi ngh agreed wi ti. Commi ssi on@r Mah ern . <br />Commi ssi on err- Berger st_apportad those comment~s_ She fal t a very <br />a_anpl assent si ta_aati on head been created and d not st..ap port the <br />applicant or st_abdi vi si on_ <br />Chairman Mi chel otti e>:pressed sympathy for the Hunts., but in the <br />1 i ght of the hi story o~f that parti c-ul err err as ~ she could not <br />st_app ort the application. <br />F'age 1 C> <br /> <br />