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M=NUT E S <br />PLANK=NG COMM= S S = ON <br />Plaasanton~ CA <br />C 3 ty Counc 3 1 Chamber s <br />2 0 0 O l d B erne 1 Avenue <br />WEDNESDAY ~ OCTOBER 2 4, 1 9 9 0 <br />7: 0 0 P. M. <br />CALL TO ORDER <br />The P 1 ann ing Commission meeting o f October 2 4 wa s called to <br />order at 7 00 p _ m _ by Chairman MaYiern _ <br />The P ledge o f A l l eg i s nc e t o th e f lag wa s r a c i ted _ <br />ROLL CALL <br />Commissioners Presents Ron Horan, JacK Hovinglz, Hal McGuirk, <br />SYiarrell MicTie loth, Bob Wright, <br />A l t er n ate , a nd CYia i rma n Ma r c e 1 1 i ne <br />MaYiarn <br />Commissioner s Absent . N one <br />Sta f f Member s Present a Brian Sw i f t, D i r ector o f P 1 ann i ng and <br />Community S erv i ce s , Roger H i gdon , <br />Assistant Director of Public Works, and <br />Terry Bir]canfeld, Recording Secretary <br />APPROVAL OF M= NUT E S <br />The M i nut e s o f the O ct obe r 1 0, 1 9 9 0 war e unanimous 1 y approved a s <br />submitted by ma i 1 ( C omm i s s i one r M i cYz e 1 ott i) a nd f urtYiar amended <br />a s f o 1 1 ows <br />Page 3 - No_ 8 - C1-ia irman MaYiern amended it to read: She <br />had no problem with the 12" lattice, but was concerned how <br />it would look from the corner _ <br />page ~ - UP-90-43 - CTia irman Mahern amended it to read. <br />Chairman Mai'iern asK ed if nearby residents were notified of <br />the proposed dens e c 1 ub _ <br />Page 1 6 - Tract 6 3 6 1 - CYia i rma n Maxi e r n amended i t t o r e a d o <br />Mr_ Mason said that the Yzeigrit of the units would be 35 ft_ <br />from th e curb 1 eve 1 or about 3 0 f t _ a bov~ the ground _ <br />