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for the sec ondar'-y a_a r~i.t_ Mr. S'wif-t discussed the matter with <br />her , noting that the Code dOES al 1 ow for thi. s. <br />Comrni ssi. on er Mah ern as4ced about.. tl-re 1 oc ati. on of the app 1 i cant " s <br />er~tr ante once the r-emodel i ng 1 5 compl at ed _ Mr- _ S'wi f t said -the <br />main entr ar->ce will be at the side of the 1-~ouse_ <br />Lommi. s=_ai on ar- Horan a>:pr essad Borne concern about of f-street <br />par4ci r~c7~ however-, he general ly supported the appl:icati on, even <br />though he f e:l t this mi ght be creating a pr ac ede~nt _ <br />Mr_ Swi.ft e=>:pl ai ned tt'>a't 't F->c off-str ect par-4=:i ng sp ace could ba <br />achi. evea ci by instal 1 i ng cor>cr ete at the narrow si des of 'the <br />driveway ., not i. ng that Haar 1 y everyone f i 1 1 s that area i n at some <br />t i rt> E_~ o r o -t t'> e r_ <br />The pub 1_i c _1-i~al,r i ~$___was„_op ar't~d=__ <br />Roger Bowers ar->d Mrs. Mai er rep resenteci the app 1 i cati on _ <br />1"I r' _ Bowers st atcsd they are wi l l i ny_ to ab:i de by the cor~d'1 t i ores. <br />Mrs.. Meier a>:pl airs ecJ there will be two ad dr rise<.~ and two <br />sap ar atea entrances for' the main house and the proposed sac or~dary <br />unit_ Tn regard to Condition IVo_ v and the bay window, Mrs.. <br />Mei er noted tt>at her :L i vi ng room i s sset f a_artl-per t>ac4=: i r~ th>c yard <br />than her- riai ghbors and that the bay window on the west el suet=i orz <br />would mak:a her house 1 ooF:: 1 i F:e the others i n the Val Vista area _ <br />Comrni ssi on er Mah ern was concerned about the entrance to the <br />sac ondary a..anit in tl->e event that the applicarat moved away at <br />some future time. Mrs_ Meier e>:pl wined that the existing house <br />and the propo<_~ed unit would have their sep ar eta front entrances-, <br />the main houses woa_al d be er~ter ed from the si des Yard _ <br />Mrs_ Mei er expl ai Had there wi. 1 1 be a sap ar a't ca 4-i tchen and bat=t'> <br />which qualifies the ~.anit as a "granny flat. ' <br />C:ommi ssi on ers Hovi ngh and Mah ern fur-thar disc used the entr an c_e <br />wi th the app:1 i cant . Lommi ssi on er Mah ern was concerned ab oa_a -t a <br />possi b7. e. lack: of- privacy bat weer-> the two str actor es_ <br />T1-t ~ _~ub 1 i_c,,,__Ft ~-ar i n_g__ was___c 1_o~ed . <br />Lommi ssi on er- Hovi nqh question ad st a-f f- ab Cond i. t i on b _ He <br />would l i F=:e for the contli. t i or'> tc> al low for ar> added dep endcnt _ <br />Mr . Swi. f t said he hacJ no probl em wi th that st off wi sties to <br />saf equar°d agai nst the possi bi. 1 i ty of three col 1 eqE: students , <br />etc _ of rer~t i rig i t at soma poi rat i. n t i me _ <br />Comrni ssi on er Horan f e1 t_ i t sl->ot_cl d riot be 1 i. mi ted to two ada_a1 is _ <br />Mr _ Swift. rasp onded that i. n the event the structure i. s sold , <br />MINUTES' <br />F•LANIV T N[V CQMM I SS I t_TN <br />July 2_8, 199<_> <br />Fage 7 <br />