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PUD--9U---vas-___Mc Dowe 1. 1_ <br />Applican3 on of James McDowell for development plan approval to <br />construct a n i ne-parcel ~ si. ngl a-f ami 1 y residential project to be <br />1 oc at ed on an approximately 4. 4 acre site 1 oc ated at 2503 <br />Vineyard Avenue. Zoning for tF~e property is PUD (Planned Unit <br />Devel opment> - Low Density Residential D3 stri ct. <br />App 1 i cat i on cor'at i na-.aed to August 8 ~ 199a>. <br />PUD-8_3_--22 =7M ~-.-__MOa art <br />Application of Mozart Development Company for a mayor <br />modification to an approved Bevel opment p 1 an to al 1 ow for an <br />i ncr ease i n the maximum square footage for a five-bui 1 di ng ~ <br />multi-tenant office complex from ~~2~75C7 sq. ft. to 570~0DO sq. <br />ft. and design review approval for a three-story. 73~t7r7b sq. ft. <br />office bt_ai l d i ng 1 ocated generally i n the area bounded by <br />Stoner i dge Mal 1 Road ., Emb arced ero Court ., Interstate 5807., and <br />Interstate 68G. Zoning for the property 3s PUD CPl anned Unit <br />Development) - Commerc 3 al and Offices Di strict . <br />Mr. Swif=t pr esentE.d the staff report recommending approval of <br />Casa PUD-81--~2--7M, Z---90-?24 sub~c=ct 'to tna condi ti one of tl->a <br />staff report. Ha noted tl"aer-e is a difference be=tween it~e <br />m r_+c t-aani cal pmerat sere ergs on ttae L-/ui 1 di nqs 1 and 2 wi th tt'ae <br />screen on Buildi nq -+ being nicer. Staff teas asF:ed -that -t hoc: <br />nicer •s c.reen be installed on Building 5 now under- discussion. <br />"1-ne n:i car screen wi 1 1 al so be instal '1 ed on T7u i- 1 di ng 4. He teas <br />as4: r=d the applicant to try and find a way tv rnodi fy the screens <br />on Lu:i 1 di ng 1 and .~. Mr. S'wi f t noted that the ma ior- <br />mod i f i. cation i s actual 1 y more of a correction i n rec7ard to 't tae <br />square foot aqe of tl-ae cornpl a>: due to the deletion of Building 6 <br />when BART required that land for a station si te_ :Ln r-ef iguri ng <br />the sga_.aarc foot ayes ttie applicant a_ased net leaseabl.e square <br />f oot aqe~ w!-aereas tt~e City uses gross square footage. Zn drawing <br />the pl ~ns~ ttie applicar'at discovered the error_ <br />L'ommissi oner Mal--rern discussed tt'>e tr-aff is r-epor-t prepared for <br />tt'ae pro iect wi tH Mr Swift. Stye Had ~aoma concern tl-a<tt da_ae to <br />'the i ncor-reef square foot age far Bui 1 di ng 8 that the tr-af f i c <br />coy-ant mi gtzt be i rsacc ur'ate. Mr . Swift said that i n doi ng -t t-ae <br />Gen er-al Plan model , st<~f -f used the total gross of ttie ovr=ral1 <br />area oi- the project ~ wt~i ch would not have made a di f f- er ence i n <br />traf-Fie pro,.jecti ons. hie noted that 'Table :~ is considered -to be <br />tt->e most Hop ed i'or real i st i c tr of f i c count wi ttr the project i ores <br />of two possible FSART St ati ons i n the Val 1 ey coming to pass_ <br />Cornmi ssi on er Hovi ngt'> e>:pressed some concern ab ou-t possi bl e <br />tr-a-F -F i c congestion i f :a L AC-<T st at i on i s 1 Deaf ad Haar- th>e pro_i ect <br />si te. hie wc~nder ed wt'lettier i t wot_al d be possi bl. e to ra o-t al 1 ow <br />BART to use -the first station unt i 1 the sec ar'ad or- east ar-r~ <br />st ati or'a i s ba.-ai 1 t _ Ne was cone er ned about a real gr-i dl oc 4~ a-t: <br />F'oothi :L 1 1 and Dub 1 i n Car'ayon Road _ Mr .. S'wi f t said i t. would not be <br />M I NU-(-F=5 <br />--~LANN I NC-i COMh'1 Z SS I ON <br />July .2S. 199C> <br />Page 4 <br />