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't ypc cif •f anti ng rna~t ari. al would ba usad_ Condition 19 -~- 7"hey dic:i <br />not. thir, 4: they sh ou'l.d have to pr-ovi de a paved ace-ess t_o thai.r- <br />own rnanhol a.. <br />Commi •> ai on ar Horan disc us sad Condition 19 wi th Mr- _ C31 anvi i 1 a. <br />Mr- _ tai anvi 1 1 e i ndi c_a-t ad that tl-t i s i s a pri vote yard ar ca and <br />{=c1 t that the homE-gown ers as>soci ati on c=au1 d taF:e c~~are o-f the arE:a <br />r-ether than havi ng a paved access _ 1"tr _ Swift said this i s not <br />c onsi der cd a private ~>t orm dr-ai n , beat i s Ci ~ty property and it,e <br />City musi= have paved acr_~ass to i t _ <br />fa,ai rman E<ergcr ast::ad Mr _ Swift: to address Condition Y2_ <br />Mr- _ 5wi f t ed tl-aat this cor,di ti on Heads -to remain even though, <br />Mrs_ Wastf all, property owner, appcar-s r,ot to want access to t-1-a E• <br />r,ew .a't r-aa't_ He Indiccat ed staff will visit. with her about this <br />matter _ <br />Mr_ Swiftt. f-ur-th er e>cPl ai Had Gondi ti on Y6_ t-le said -the Eat an7-ey <br />Fiou:L evard i mpr-ov em en is which are act=c.aal 1 y DEjl Val. 1 e F'ar F::way <br />i mpr-ovements stay wi thi r, the e>c i st i nG right--of --way_ Howe vcr , <br />they are si gn:L f i cantl y differ ant than those put i n t=t,a pr-oj act <br />i rnmad i atal y to the east that Mr _ G'1 anvi l l a ref err ed to_ Ha was <br />agr actable to modi-f yi ng the condition to allow -the applicant to <br />wort=: with staff- to sati. s{'y that si tuati on_ <br />Commi.=-si on ar- Mahar-n ash=:ed Mr_ _'-->wift to address Cor,di ti on iF3_ <br />Mr _ Swi- f t said that si nca Stand ey Etot_tl ev and i s such a be-a=:y <br />str act that s-t aff felt a 6 foot masonry wall would be a <br />r,ec cssi ty {=or not se ab at errant _ <br />The pub 1 i c__ t,ear_ rl-g--..-_wa~--__c 1_o~~d ._ <br />Commissioner Hovi ngh commonted tt,at ha does.- faE:1 comfortable <br />wi th the cul ---d e--sac as prop osad now_ Ha wou2 d 1 i. k:a to sea i=he <br />WE-stf all property ti ad into the pro-fact streat_ Ha thoc-aght that <br />t-he price range c:~f 'the un:L t-_s was cl osa enough to affordable <br />hog-asi ng t:o not add antra faes_ <br />q motion was made by Commi ssi on ar Hovi ngh , sec ondad by <br />Commi s=a :L onr=r- Horan raccomm andi ncy approval of the Nag ati va <br />Dc c_l ar ati or, prep ar-ed for PC.1D--9C>--C>£i ir>asmuch as pr-o jE?c~t app rov~al <br />woc_cl d Nava ar, ins>:L cqn i f :i car, t. ad vE~r sc of -f-act or, tt, E=_ envi ronrnant _ <br />O L.__l_---.__C A L L-__._V O T E, <br />AYE. £3 e Cornmi psi oner-s Horan , Hovi ngh , Mat, ern , Mc. L;ui r k: , ar,d <br />Cha:i r-rnan Erargar- <br />IJQESe Nona <br />A1E=KSE: N--f _ Commi ssi- onar- Mi ct,el ott i <br />F~F:sS--f-A :C hlc NonE, <br />M I NLJ .-1.-E ~3 <br />P'L_fa h11V I IVG Ct7MM I SS I ON <br />July ~'-°i, 199c_z <br />F'•ac7a 24 <br />