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PC 08/27/1990
City of Pleasanton
PC 08/27/1990
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PC 06/27/1990
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feet. 7-he staff report indicated the reverse. He pointed this <br />oat on the rendering. <br />C:ommi ssi an er Mi chel ott i asked Mr Harvey 3 f he i ratend=, to <br />i mpr-ova the road to the Grimm prop arty. He said they intend to <br />i rnprove t-he road t-o tt,a tie-i n to the Gr i mrn pr-op arty <br />Mr . Harvey noted that staff i s pur ng the i r,stal 1 ati or, of some <br />type of strt_a c.t mare i n the sc.eni c easem Brat _ He was not i n favor <br />of any addi t i. onal structure to the ra_a r-al area. He said tt,at Al <br />Dutcl-~ovc=r t,ad deli gned a 1 and sc aping p 1 an to enhance tt,a rat i va <br />species that current 1 y exist at the site. Ha felt that the <br />of eander~s on the si to provi de for a>:cel 1 ant screer,i ng , i, n <br />addition to tt,a rest of the planned landscaping. <br />Mr_ Harvey fa..arther addressed access and ci rca_al ati or, on page 7: <br />he st at_ed that t,e was i r, di sagr Bement wi th staff ' s <br />rec ommendat i on on that i ss~ae. He sa_ag gent ed an al terraat i ve road <br />that woa_al d go bat wean the Stevenson and O1 son property. <br />Mr. Harvey addressed the F'UD f i ndi ngs: He said this gets to the <br />crux of the issue i n that a 1.°_s0 f t . setbacF: would el i mi Hate <br />every hoa_ase from Bernal to jL.ast past Jorgenson Lana_ He felt <br />that bet aa_ase of the e:: i sti ng hot_ases that are not i n compl i ante <br />with, that 15Ca ft 5etbac4-:, that his project sh ot_ald be ~~llowed to <br />be built wi thout a i Ste, f t. setbac4z and requested a wai ve of that <br />rac7 t_al ati on. Ira addition, Mr_ Harvey disagreed wi tt, staff <br />r-egar-ding the density and not se i ssa_aa. <br />Reg ardi nq Condition 6, Mr. Harvey proposed a 2C> ft. satbac4=:, <br />Coa~di ti on -7 -- t,e was opposed to a t,omeown ers associ ati ores. He <br />felt a mai nten ante agreement could provi de for care of the <br />scenic easement. Condition 1Ca - Ha reiterated that he did not <br />thi ra 4~ this contli ti on was appropr-i at e. Condition 1~' - t-le said it <br />rep eat ad Condi ti on 7. Condition 14 - h-ie said this was the first <br />times he aver heard of this condition and felt it was very unfair <br />to add a new condition at such a 1 ate date _ He said i f 9. t was <br />needed , that the original pl an should go into of f ec-t . <br />Condi ti or, 18 - He said this was an otter new condi ti or,. Ha did <br />not 4~now the poi nt of purchasing this pro art <br />p y as he felt the <br />ri gta~t--of ~~-way handled that. Condi ti or, 19 - He sai<~ this was <br />another new condition and made no sense as the 1 ots have very <br />little sl opa_ Cor,di ti on 26 - He said tt,is was another new <br />condi t i on ~ i t had never been di sca..assad wi th st off and t,e i=e1 t i t <br />was anti re'l.y oat of line. He e:apr essed dismay tt,at he has <br />worFeed for 1;~ moraths ore the plans, na_amer ous meetings with staff , <br />and har> gone through si>: differ ant pl ar,ner-s on the projec-t. <br />Chairman Berger as4¢etl Mr. Harvey who owns the buff er strip that <br />he mentioned in Condition 18. Mr. Harvey said h'Irs. Iamb, a <br />nei ghbor i ng property owner , owns=d tt,at strip <br />M I NUl-ES <br />PIANN I NG U'OMM I SS I ON <br />Junes ~7, 1990 <br />Pages 16 <br />
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