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pro_i ea c_ts wi tl-~ the Burr oundi ng pr op arti. as to rat <ai n tha-G ra.-aral <br />1 ook:, which ha felt mceant lar-g ar lots and gamer^a'17-y a rural <br />envi r-on merit _ At: tFai s t.i ma ha want ad action st oppad and the <br />rural 1004•: retained.. <br />TFi~~ub-_l i_c ta~ari n,g__w~mm,_cl o~ed_ <br />C:hai. rman 1'x'1 :L dial ott i told the and i enc.e that the. Commi =.>si on di. d <br />not ini ti eta the pra~oni nq acti 0n_ She ask:ad Mr_ Swift if they <br />cor'at i. na..aaci the applicat.:i on a_antil the- EIF~: was compl eta how that <br />wou:Ld affac't the ac_t i.on_ Mr_ Swift replied 'that the annas:ati or't <br />coa--a '1 d not proc aad bac aa_ase the pr ep arty wc~a--al d not Have bt:=_an <br />prE:~or-aad _ Ha a.<pl ai nad that the F='UD gi vas more control and i s <br />i r-a acc_ordanca wi th the Gc=neral P1 an _ Ha said -the Madi um Dansi ty <br />i. s i n compl 1 a1lCe wi. th the C=,en oral P1 an and would r-aqui r-e that a <br />d avc 1 op mf>ra t- P]- an ba aPProvad by both the P1 anni rig Gommi ssi on and <br />the City Coon baf or-a any daval op merit could occur- on the <br />pr op erty_ Tt~e Bevel op merit plan wou:L d be the appr opri eta place <br />to see i f that p 1 arm i s consi st Font w:L tta what i s bai ra c7 pr op osad i ra <br />~tha Sp acif-ic F='1 an_ t-la fc-arthar as:pl ai ned that wl-~at pra~oni rig t0 <br />a F'UT~ would do i => what most of 'the sp eakar =. here asF._ad for ., <br />whi c.h would ba to dal. ay action with rasp ect -to subdi vi si on and <br />d eval oprnent of these prop arti es anti"1 after- ravi aw of the N_ <br />S'yc=amore Specific F°1 ar-a _ <br />Commi ssi on ar Horan ast_~-:d st of ~= i f this property cou'1 d ba <br />pr as Dread agr-i cul'tural and be in k:i rid of a "holding Bona" without <br />bai rig i ra conf-:L i ct wi t:h the C~er-aar al F= 1 i:an Mr _ ~lwi +t said the 1'='UI~ <br />d oas t=his -j ucat as waT- ]. _ Mr _ Swift and Commi ssi on ar Horan <br />f ur-thar- di sea--assad thi s_ <br />CI'~a:i rman Mi chal ot:t i said she sY7ar as tt-ae concerns oi° those=+ 1 i v:L rig <br />on Syc~amor-a Road: 1-aowc=var sl-aa agraatl with st of i~ tt-aai a FEUD gave- <br />t ham more control and could support the applicati on_ <br />Cc~rnmi ~~si Drier Hor arm -f~ al t. i. t-.. wac~ morE~ axppr-opr-i. eta tc~ c-.h ~a r7ga the. <br />Madi um T:)ar-asi t:y to Ac7r i cal tur-al ar~d pr-ovi dr=_> t: l-aa "t'a c:~l di rig " as <br />disc us sad _ Mr _ Swi f-t i. ndi catc=d 1--aa coa_al d suppor-t_ tl-iat _ <br />Commi ~>si on ar T3e r-gar- said she could support an Agr- i cal tur'-al <br />~onir'~g until further st_udi es ar-e Bona:=, but was not-_ comf ortabla <br />wi th Mac-.Ii t_-am Uensi ty as pr 0p os~d tors i gt'at _ <br />Commi. s-s 9- on ar McC-3ui r4=: c--caa_al d not. support -the app 7- i c<.=ati on _ tie <br />would < deny the raq uest to pra~ona and did not want pi ac ernaal <br />dava:L op man-t _ <br />Commi sssi on ar- Hawi ngh was opposed t:o anises: ati on and f al t -t l-iat <br />more= st~_udy and planning needs 'to be dona_ <br />1"i 1' N U'-F~ E S <br />F='1_ANN I NG GQl"iM I SS' I oN <br />Page 9 <br />