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PC 04/11/1990
City of Pleasanton
PC 04/11/1990
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PC 06/11/1990
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Commi ssi on ar- Maya t=rra seai d sl-~e 1 i fixed wl-i a't 't l-~e dava'1 oPer Fias done <br />as far as addi nq landscaped areas and a frontage= dri vc sha <br />1 i Feed tt'aa 1 ancisc ap ed buffer area. Howev ar , sFaa did not 1 i k-:e -L-he <br />c1 C15t=_ness of the not_ases: she would -favor three canits, ba_at nat <br />four , wi th mor°e space between the home=.. She thought the houses <br />ware totem massive for- the 1 oc ati ors _ She= felt that an ough e>=parts <br />had taFeen geological tests and she felt fair]-y comf ortabla with <br />that i. ssa..ae_ Shc had concer-ns about the nei. ghbors on the top o-f- <br />thc hill who h~~ve no ley_al Prot ecti an in the case of a s:Lide. <br />Corn rn i. ssi or~cr Mc GUi r 4c felt thcr-e was no-t cn augl--a sp ac_a bat waen the <br />homes Arid f el t. the proposed 1 and sc ap i. r-ag woe-al d not sc_rear~ the <br />homes for a very long ti ma_ He ~f avor ed thr-ae houses and <br />spreading them out fur tYaer. <br />Commi ssi ont=.r Novi ngh favor ad three= t-aousa ~ and more sP ac=a bat wtaen <br />them. He woa_al d el i. rn :L ~~atc the house ore Lot 1 <br />Commi s•si oncr Hor ara said he had some pr'obl em wi th the f rca r-at <br />7- andsr_api ny anti f e.l t that the oaFc tr aes might not- b e <br />appropriate: he would 1iF::c the landscaping revi-awed: he was also <br />concer-ned about Condition No. 24 and fal t_ it cff ec.ti va]-y got -the <br />developer out of any trouble, but gave no protection to the <br />neighbors. Ha indit':at ed that ha- tt-aought the houses were <br />somewhat. massive, but ha could still support four units. If the <br />soi :L rap or is arc dons and thE: soi 1 at i on issue i s sol ved to <br />the sat i sf action of the City , app] i c-ant , and nei ghbors , he cool d <br />support the pr-o~act. <br />Chen i. r-mara Michel otti felt the applicant has really made= an effort <br />t<:~ fa-.a 1. -fi1'1 all ragt_ti r'emcnts and c. or~d i'ti ons. However-, she had <br />c: or-acerns about the vi seal vi ew of 'the four houses. Si. race <br />p arti ci.Patirag ir-a tl-ae Foothill Road Study, •she was rtaore aware of <br />massi van ears. Shc felt the 1 andsc ape ba_af f ar would not- ad eq oat el y <br />sol vc the massi ve vi ew of the houses. She felt the geol ogi cal <br />r epc~rts mi ght be aFCay: hover=ver , she woa_al d 1 i Fce 't c~ sea rn care <br />st udi es florae on the possi-bi 1 i ty of a spri. ng On the tli 11 SI-ac <br />f e'1 t. the deve.l op er should cut back to three units,: the houses <br />ware si mF'a 1 y too massi ve for- the amot_ant of 1 and <br />A moti- on was made by Commi ssi or-aer Hovi- ngh , sac onded by <br />Comrni ssi oraer 1`~lah ern that the rega_aircd fi.ndir'ags car'a riot be made <br />and denyi. ng Case P'UD-9C>--<~~ f-or 'the f of 1 owi ng reasons as <br />disc us sad c <br />1 -There sh oa..ald be three houses, not four: <br />'?_ Thera is not enough space bet wren the houses and they <br />ara too mac=,s i. va: <br />MINUTES' <br />h=•LANN I NG CtiMM I SS I ON <br />AF'R I L 1 1 , 1 99G> <br />F'aga 1 1 <br />
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