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l-he put~_1„ic heari~__was.-__op en ~d---_- <br />C~ i. 1 7. L3 o r c;~ ~~-t r c9 t a r-t d [3 1 c: r-i F_~ r- o w r~ y 6 6 s> J Fa r- 1 i n g t o n I1 r i v E_• ~ 1^ G p r' E: 8 G i'l 't= E= d <br />-lc 1-TC ~appl i c_ata. on _ "rh C-zy acq r-r~T C-~tl thJ a-t-_ -t: tJ E-~ si=af f rE:p ort ac_<_:ur-at=a1 y <br />COVE?r'E=c:1 tt't (•= p0]. r't 'L5 and agrE-?E'd 'C:. CJ dl ~. 't: tl C-'? cC7ndi t: i. p1'l ~o .. <br />Commi. ~>.>i. r_t r-[r-ter- Mali cr-r-i <_i <.~k: cad i. ~P tYiay had r-E,cci vE:?d ~: ray G'C~rtl rtten'ts or <br />c o n c. c r n .._:; from -t: t-i Eit n E3 i 5~ I--i b o r- z_ NI r- _ f,<r o w r't s a i d -t h'i E= y h a v E;t t ~z :! 1-.: Ea d t. o <br />a 'f'E~w of tl'~E? immc=di ate n[_.i yt-i ttor-cz wand thr-=y 1-iad no cornry n'ts_ 1-{c! <br />not. Et d t h-t ~t r-- r ~ w i 1 I b E= r~ o E•-• :a -t c= r i ca r- c Yt a r-ty a c:-t : [ c E•? p -F_ -4' o r' t t-i ~ <~ t: <_t i. r° ~~ _ <br />Ch<_a :i rmar~ 1•'li c_hc-=1 ot-L- i as4=: c:d i f 'this would b[= us~c~d E3 s: c=l. [..[si vcl y -f-or- <br />mai. d =_s q[_[artE-r-=s. h'Ir. E<or gL3rd"t 8ai. Gi -Lha't: i. Eti thE3 i ntEa r-r t. at -thy <br />pr-rsent is i. mE?_ <br />T FI a---~aub,l i s hear i n~C. _„_wa~ c 1 osad _ <br />h'Ir_ Swi. {~t: cr:p7. wined 't t'iat currE=nt r-cyc.[l atica r-TS allow for -t:h i.=.a typc_ <br />o-f "granny flat , •' grid that i t wi ]. 1 h~-~v E.+ <~~ sE.~F~ar at[= wa-tcr- ar-Td <br />sewer sy=st em_ <br />--I-t~t E? Comrni sss i. or-[ agrE-, E=d thE=y wE=r-'c--~ i. r-t favor of a7- so usi. nc;~ this tyFa E? <br />o -P s -t. r- a c-_ t c.[ r- e f- o r r- r-_~ l a't_ i v E= s, not= J [.a s t_ for- rn a i d s a ..L. h Ea Y -f c_~ 7. -t: i t <br />incr-r=a_~'sed tt'T C? eavai let to i.l i.ty of atf {: or-d atTl E2 t-[ouair-t c~ f-ca r" =come <br />FJ E3 C-~ F.'I J- E? .. <br />Fl rTl O't J. Ca r"1 W E15i> rn a d EE? tJ y Ci Ea rtt rtt l S B i. o n E? r- Fi o v i. r'ty h ., .S E= c. o rT d E~ d to y <br />Commi =_-_si onE=r 1"lah arr~ rn ~3 k; :i r-u3 ral l thr r-cy[_[i. i^E?d f :i ndi ngs ~a r-[d <br />a p Fa r'- o v i. r-i g C:: al 53 E9 U F-' -- 9 <~ .--.. [ ~ •~ 83 LI V .7 E3 CC L". t ["~ t. tl e C U n d ]. {:'. 1 Can Si Ca ~(- t. tl Ec' :S t c't f ~{- <br />r-ep or-t. .. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE <br />AYEd ~3 s Commi ssi or'iers F3 E_•r c~Ea r- ., Hrn r-arm , Hovi ngY~ , Mach er-n , ar~d <br />[--.~ I-[ at i r- m <_i n h'l i. c l-i E? l o t t i. <br />NOE:B s Non[.= <br />F-i F_K'_i'T Fl 'I. IVs NcTn [-.= <br />P=:esolc.[t.: :i on IVo.. F'C: ---9~[_>--~1E3 was entE=_r c:d anew ad optaG approvi rTg Cei s:,e <br />I_1P__c~i t__c~:= as mo't i. o~ .ed _ <br />OF'-94, _l„s_-„_T t~~ F'rud anti al_ Company <br />App 1 i cat i. on to amend the Land Use E1 ement of the General P1 an of <br />arm appro:c i, matel y 1? _ 4 acre si to 1 oc ated at the soutl-rwest corner <br />of West Las Positas Houl evard and St on eri dge Drive Clot 24 of <br />Hacienda Husi Hess Parlc> from "Industrial , Commercial and <br />Offices" to "Hi. gh Densi ty Residential and <br />MINUTES <br />PLANNING COMMISSION <br />FEBRUARY 28 , 199b <br />Page 6 <br />