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ROLL CALL vn-rE <br />A VE ~S'~ Cornmi. =zsi c:)r-)r:-a r-s F+c=r cg ca r' ~ Horan ~ Hc:)v i. nc:~1") ~ sz r)d Ct-)a:i. r`rn ain <br />M:i r_-hal c_)tc -t i <br />NOES`.°3= [:~c~mmi =_s psi on~r I+<lah~rn <br />AT~~~TAIN: IVone <br /> i. ora Nc-.)_ P(:~~--9C)---'?C> was ent er-ed ~:t rid adopted r`c:~c ommandi. r-x c.:l <br />t~appr'oval of Casa C;i'=•---9~i--mil. ., 1'NUD-E91.-..="SO-~:_-=.MlF~U D.....'71._..:-_;c~_._`; C)D as> <br />rn o -t, i. o n c_ d . <br />F'UD__-90-L>,1 ~,,,_Al,amed a_ Count <br />App 1 i cat i on for PUD Bevel opment p 1 an approval for a 149-un i t <br />sing 1 e-f ami 1 y residential Bevel opment 1 oc at ed at the eastern end <br />of W. Las Posi tas Soa_rl evard ~ south of I-:58C] ~ and north of the <br />Cal 3 f orni a F= 1 ace subdi vi si on _ The property i s i. n the process of <br />being annexed to the City and prey on ed to the PUD tPl anned Unit <br />Development) - Medium Density Residential District. <br />Mr-_ Swi{:{:, pr-eser'x the sta-f{= r-cpc's r"t arad rac ornmer')dE.d ppr-ov<al of <br /><:a <br />(_.a sC--? Fro-UD--°s]~)~--[):L <S l..a t], F_+C='t 't0 1=tlP GC71'ld i. 't 1. Or't '~ O'¢ "t l'lE ES L:a{: -f 1"G2p 01^.t .. <br />:T h E:____.__p_t_lb t i c _,_ h~ a r i n~___w a s__,._op_e n e d_,._ <br />A viol ph M~~~i r-t i r'x c=]. 1 i. repr-eser)tc~d the ctpp 1. i. c<=~i t: :i on _ Fie cc:]mm er-xted <br />that tY~e I_~r-o jE?c_t plans h~:tve been i rnp roved wi. th 't l'a ~? input 'f'rom <br />'t Fl O Y~ E3 °_s ]. C~ Y") F-C E3 V ]. E2 W Fi3 o a r d _ F-I o °i cx i. d tl E3 W cx 55 B?C 't r- B fTt f_ 1 y p r o u c-J t C.) t~ E? <br />able to offer- of ~f ordabla housi. r-xy ico {'ir-<aa--'ti mE= buyers.. F-le said <br />the=_• County i. s ab=~orbi r-)g thE. val ue of t.hF• 1 <snd ~ whi. 1 e 'thE~_ bui. 1 der <br />i. s cor)structi 1'l C] a't LCJ `.'i-(=. When al"td 1 {' 'thB ho(nBS ai^e 1"e'=. C7 .L ci ~ "t 1'l 6i) <br />C oLanty WoLll d r-BG.ei Ve d pOr"t'.1 Cart U{: the eC~l.l i. i;_y ~l~h E? pY"1 CE3 r'cxn c;J G--• <br />of -the. a{: {:ord ablE a_ani t_s is pro.j [==c'tFd i=o be =3=7. C~c:)~t~C)r7 'L-o <br />-:L ~i~~<'>c~C)_ FfE ar~rt=F=d to a1]. tt'x e~ c_ondit-.i or-xs of -L-t-ie s't:af -4' r'ep ort. <br />Lomrn i. <.: _.:i one=r L-sE=rger pis F::ed who would i-aandlc thE. pap cr-wr.~r i:.. <br />1"1 r-.. I"lar-t :i Heel 7. i. said tY)r_•y 1-xava r-xott-xi ng de{: i ni. t<:= ass yat. ~ bLe t. <br />i. n-t an<:i t. c:] wor-4=: thesis ou-t with sta-Pf _ <br />C~c~rnmi <_>s i. c:)n er I-{c:)r-~an and Mr _ Mar'-ti ne:?:L 1 i. di c=>e: a_xssad tt-)c~ me-~tl-)oea by <br />wl-)i c_1-a t--hc= Cour-x -ty would t-. r_ara<~f ar t'che 1 and tc~ -the) ~f i. r'=_a t'_-"t i rn E_• <br />b u yer I"1 r' Mar- 't. i. r-x c-? 1 1 i. s a i. d t Yx e y h-) ra o f-? a g r- c~a c:: d t. o w o r-- 1-:: w i t h-x -t. r') c~r <br />City in any way po<.-a :L bl e_ He r-e i. -t sr-<i is End that--. t:he iratant :is to <br />sell T:'6 ur-x :i is for- the: cost of r._on strut: t: i. orr _ <br />C:ornmi. sssi r_-)n ar P-iovi. r-agh s:.~:i. d he wr_)ul ca 1 i. 4:: c. to =_saE~ the C:ouni'_y r-ai. se <br />tt'a c± :2.b uni. tes to abou't'. ._. _.- a_ani tss i n ordEr to be c:onsi. _~:>t cant wi. tha <br />-thc_ (3r r-)c=ra7. 1='i arm _ <br />L c:) rn m i =_a: s i c:) r-a c-_ r 1--I g r a n s a i. d t-a c: {= e 1 t. t F) a t F-1 '1 a m t ci a C o u n t y i s -1-. r' y i. n c:( t o <br />addr-F-••=~=_s oaf ~f or-d able 1--aousi ng na~•ds _ HE_ f ur-ther suyc~est_r--+c-1 an <br />hrl J: N U ..1_ F E3 <br />P t_ANN 1 N V C:OMh'i I EciB :L Ohi <br />F== E--'.f iFiUAF=:Y ~8 ~ 1 cY'Y t'_> <br />1='age 1~? <br />