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e:e :i st:L r-5 e] agreemer'St ar'td i s :L n f 1. i' c)r--e_e of tl-'S E-a l ~tw _ ~-F-1"5 <br />1="1 anr~i. r-5g 1.}ep ar-tment hand disc used Wit: Fi 53ummF~r-hi 1 :L ]G~E_)v E?7. op men-t. <br />L'o_ al:J C:)ut 1'-5 <_av i. r')y a c-mot: aa't ern e=nt pr-ovi di. r')c3 i r-)4 or m<~-t i on :i. r~ 'C:h E':-~ CG:3<F~ s <br />=_sayir')q -t l-~a't -L-he 1-iomc-~owr')c~r ~~ aandcr-e}ar'ad t_ha't F-Iew7. E:: t'C: F'=tac lc <zr cl :i ra <br />~-~ac r-c:)~s the: ~:; i-. r'eet.~ Wand that thc:ry 1..5 <..ive ar-5 c-:approved e::pansi on. <br />1"1 r-. 8war5sor• has in-for-med s}-af-£ i-.ha-L- in di scl osurc: 1. =:awcs ichey havE= <br />t c:) rn a 4:: e t 1-'S a -t. _-. t ~-a t a m e r5 t i r-5 i-. Y5 e C C °<F: s-.. I t i. ss c=.. t o -F f _: o p i n i. c:) r-5 <br />t=hai r<=>t=rr_a i. thE2 homE?own cr-<.a -Pr-orn commr-=n'ting ors anY t.yp cr o-4~ <br />p r-cJp oseal G-v't l"'1 P5CYt bE= dOnE=?_ FZeC3ard-i r-5g tl-~E= 1-)0l. d--1-)arml E<~s=_s agr ecmE'=nt ., <br />t.h i. s i. s a c i. vi 1 m<3tter- Y_')E=t weF•n Hh' and 1-i <_t c=i er5da Es L.a e-;i nE_+~<~ Par Fc _ <br />1"1 r--_ £3war-5 <_sor-5 r-et ur-ned to -the podi. urn. F-1 E'=± noted t. t-5at a di scl osL.a r-e <br />~t atF=mer~-l. wot_ald l.y bE~ inclt_ad ed ire 't l-5 c• C[:::°.F•.~_ <br />Cornmi <_; <_; i, orS Car MahE?r r5 sa:i d shEa i s C_CJ f"lCerl"l E•d ab ou'L- 'L-. I"5 c--±• ovcr-aa 1. ]. <br />den<_=.i ty o-f the pr-c:>je cc 't _ '_ihe said she Would be wi 7. 7. i ng to <br />aver°1 oo4:: some def-iciE=)nci. e<=; oi~ tt'Se proj ec:t i-4' ~t. t-5e L.ani tsa would be <br />wi. -t I-~:L n t..he pure. l-~a=.;i nd ab:L 7. :i ty of a f i. r-sa;t--t i mF3 buyEar _ ShL= a!_. 4-:ed <br />1•'1r .. E3 woman sc:)n i. { he d be pr ep tired to ma4=: Ec• a cr.ommi -t rn ern t. t: c:)r-5 i. c.:l l-5t <br />to sF_t a:a- si. de pE=r1-5aP=-•r'c_) percent o-f 'F_1-)E:-~ un i. tz { or of f ordab 1 e <br />hcv L.a=_~>:Lngp c~thE=r'Wi. sE± st~E: woL.a :Ld no't be able= to or t: tYr E:., <br />p r-v.J E:. c: 't-. Wlr-.. E3iwan Ban ~<_•aid F-)e could r'SOt_ c_omrni-F: to :::'. r:> pE?r-c efit :; <br />hs::)wev er ro t'S a--~ ss tai d he i s Wi ]. 1 :i. rig tc c:) wor-l-:: wi. tF5 stoma i' f ors sc:)me 4::i r-5d <br />of i ncc: r5t:i vc= pr-ogr am {'or- f°:i r-st---time ba_aye=r-s. <br />The pub._1 i"c--, hearing_-_wa~ cl-osed-."-- <br />Commis=ai on er- t-lovir5 c:)h ag r-eE!d th5at. this :i=_~ a t-5i gh der-5 =_s i. -ty pr-ojec:: t., <br />-5owcvel-- v hc-~ -f el t tI-5 <=_at i. 't daes -4' i. 1 ]. a c-ertai n r-ol Ea i r5 t.he. 1 or_. a_a a. <br />marl-=:c-•-tpl. ac:e_ F-4e said Y)E= woulcJ faivor~~ I-c E:> thEw FAR at 7~i °i;_ Fie <br />f~upgJ Or'-t E?d 1=1"l E? 1. dE?iot ofi i. r~e_en't. i ve ~ 'f-or- f' :i. r-st--~t i. mc-? buyer-=_s and hop eca <br />Born ert h:L r-5g d be wort-c r=•d out <br />Corn rn :i <~ =_s i, o r-5 E? r- I"I a h e r r-) =_a at i. d s Y) e c o L.a 1 d r'S o f c-s L.t I:J p o r- t t 1"5 e p r- c:> j c=_ c:: t <br />b e_~r. arise cJ ~f tt-5e tr-af ~f :i c_ i =_; sa_ae. C3he :L i F•:ed 'F:hE? de<>>i g1-) anca <br />1 r{ r5 ci =.> c za p E-? p 1 a r-5 a r-5 d ~t I--S o u c3 F-) t i t w a =_a a fir =a't. -... r a t. a -t. c:) w r'S h o m e p r o j L=- c:: t. <br />L°ihe wt-a<. c_oncer_n ed tt'S a't a ._.r? -4't=.. sctbr_zc 4:: ~P or ~ r~) unit=_; mi. gt-)t nc:)t. <br />b L: a d E? e~ t_t a't e 't o fit J. t i C3 ca t. Ea r5 O i a E? _ ~~ 1"-l e W o Ll 1 d '¢ Ea V C:>Y" Y- E=? CI I_a C_ 1 1-l G 't F'S e <br />i-1 u m b Ei? Y" (L7'4° t_a 11 ]. 'FL Si {:. CJ G .l. Y e Ql o I'-" E? rC) p e n S p La G: (.= ~> tl a 1^' E= i. i-. a 1"" <_~ -t c-' d t I-5 a tc <br />~. I--S E' r.. o L.a l d c:) v r=? r- 1 c:J o f-:: __~ o rn a d e f i. c: i e r5 c i cr s i ~4' t 1'-5 Ea Ls n i t s WEN Y'" E3 <br />a -£ f o r- d ca b :L c-? -f' c-.) r- f i, r- s't -- t= i m o Y.h a_a Y E= r ~ . <br />Cornmi=_ssi orS EZ•r- poser gE=+.r t:.hougt-5t 'the project was <=-ipprcJprieit c-± for- t: l-5 c_ <br />.~i. -t Ea <a~n c_I "f c.l t. that i is i s a ga_ta'1 i ty pl^'ojEP]C_t. _ c~.ihe e3g r-c ed that:. <br />t r-eif f i" e i =.; ar'S i. ssac--.~ ~ t:) f e'l. t ~t:hat. t. t')e F-lae i. Banda ovc-_r-pass mi ght. <br />mi t:L gate t. 1"5at c-~ornewt~at. .. She f avort=:d 'l-. r-ansf er-r i ng den=_~. i. t:y bac_4:: <br />to Haci c:nda 7csusi nE?ras F::. ~:cr F:: p sa t-5c suppoY.. .l-.ecJ Borne ~t'. Y4J E~ of hE::•1 I_) w:i. t. t5 <br />d owf~ payrn c+nts or- de~4' E?r-r--~xt :L s for- .f: i. i me buyE=r-s <br />Comrn i. sa <.z i. or-5 er- Hor--aa r-5 sL.appor't ed t:he pro-ic=c: t_ He al eso 'fc=. J. t~. tr af-~f'i.c <br />W CJU 7. d be I'-el 1 eVBd by tFl e2 F-Ia C: i. Gfldd CJVEi?Y-pc{BB.. F-4 f= WOl.l 1. [CI IJ CJ 7. 1 CE: -t. tl F3 <br />M 1 hI tJ ~"I"~ E: S <br />F='L_.HNN i NG CUI"1 I"1 7: `=9S I C]N <br />F='age 2s? <br />