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<br />B. VersaLock block or equivalent type materials for the retaining walls <br />necessary for the City to construct an 18- foot wide roadway on the property to provide <br />access from the reservoir site to Old Vineyard Avenue. Any additional concrete retaining <br />walls that are necessary to be constructed for the purpose of establishing building lots <br />along the new roadway, including any additional walls necessary along the roadway or <br />within the lots to establish building pads at elevations approved by the City, shall be <br />Seller's responsibility. The proposed walls and the construction/engineering cost <br />responsibilities for all walls currently anticipated to be required for both the roadway and <br />building lot construction are shown on sheets _ and _ of the Access Road Plans. <br /> <br />C. Concrete curb and gutter as necessary to construct a 18- foot wide road as <br />shown on the roadway section of page G2 of the Access Road Plans. <br /> <br />D. An 8-inch diameter sanitary sewer main with appropriately spaced <br />maintenance hole structures between Old Vineyard Avenue and the end of the new <br />roadway (approximately 1,850 lineal feet) and new sewer laterals for seven lots between <br />the new sewer main and the building lots (stubbed five feet past the edge of the roadway <br />right-of-way to serve lots 1 through 7 of the private development plans). Two-way <br />c1eanouts will be installed on each lateral at an appropriate place within the lateral run to <br />match expected lot layout. <br /> <br />E. A I2-inch diameter water main between Old Vineyard Avenue and the <br />end of the new roadway (approximately 1,850 lineal feet) and the new water storage <br />reservoir, with the new water service lines stubbed to the edge of the roadway from the <br />water main to the property line (or other appropriate location) to serve lots I through 7 of <br />the private development (and to the east). <br /> <br />F. An appropriately sized storm drainage line to handle the reservoir <br />overflow/drain system, roadway surface drainage, and the future building pad drainage <br />(for lot drainage that can reasonably be drained to a new storm drain line within the <br />roadway) for the development. <br /> <br />G. Joint trench to include conduits and boxes (electrical boxes equipped with <br />J-bars to splice primary and secondary service runs) for electrical, gas, telephone and <br />cable along the roadway with laterals stubbed to the edge of the roadway right-of-way to <br />serve lots 1 through 7 of the private development. <br /> <br />H. Removal of approximately 5 trees as part of the reservoir construction and <br />supplying and planting of 72 trees surrounding the reservoir site as shown on the current <br />(as may be later modified) landscape plans that are part of the water reservoir and access <br />road bid documents that have been prepared by Tetra Tech Engineers. <br /> <br />1. Removal of approximately 29 trees as part of the roadway construction <br />and the potential removal of an additional 18 trees (subject to the City arborist and <br />project's soil engineer review and recommendations). Seller and City will work together <br />for the replacement of these trees at locations acceptable to both parties and the <br /> <br />2 <br />