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F_XFI7137T T3 <br />CONDITIONS OF AYY12OVAL <br />PCUP-160 .Tae-k Whiteford/deb C'onstruction~ Inc. <br />3942 Valley Avenue, Suite P <br />April 19, 200(1 <br />7 . The proposed use and its operation shall substantially conform to the plans and narrativc, <br />1~;xhi bit A, dated "Received March 7, 2006", on file with the Planning Departxrxent, <br />cx cept as moth tied by the lollowing conditions. Minor alterations may be approved by <br />the Planning Director ii~iound to be in substantial conforn~an cc with this approval. <br />2_ If any element of the proposed use results in conflicts in regard to parking, congestion, <br />noise, traffic, loitering, or other impacts, at the discretion of the Planning Director, this <br />use permit may be submitted to the Planning Commission for subsequent review at a <br />public hearing_ If necessary, the Planning C'oxnn~ission n-xay modify or add conditions of <br />approval to n~xitigate such impacts, or niay revoke said use; permit. <br />3. All Conditions of Approval 01 PUD-80-1 shall remain in full force and effect. <br />4_ The hours of opcration of the said use shall be fron~x 8:00 a. ni. to 5:00 p.xn. Monday <br />through Friday. Additional. hours and activities beyond what was stated in the applicant's <br />statexnenC of opcration, dated "Received March 7, 2006", on file in the Planning <br />Department may be approved by the Planning Director if found to be in substantial <br />conforn-xan ca with the approval_ The Planning Director xr~ay also refer the natter to the <br />Planning Commission if the proposed changes would be significant_ <br />5. 'fruc ks of all sizes xnalcing pickups and deliveries shall be allowed to service the. subject <br />property only between the hours of 8:00 a. m. and 5:00 In Valley Business Park, all <br />loading and unloading for the proposed use shall occur either within or in front of <br />3942 Valley Avenue, Suite Y. There shall not be pi clcups or deliveries occurring in the <br />street(s) at any time_ <br />G "There shall be no outdoor storage_ <br />7_ No changes to the exterior of the building shall be made without prior approval from the <br />Planning Dcpai-txnent_ <br />8_ If additional activities beyond that proposed in the written narrativc and plans dated <br />"Received March 7, 2006", on file with the Planning Department are desired, prior City <br />review and approval shall be required. Such n~odif cations shall be submitted to the <br />Plarning Director, who shall refer the rnatter to the Planning Commission if detenYxined <br />to be substantial. <br />