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88_ The typical section 1-I shall be revised to include a Swale adjacent to the property line to <br />prevent drainage tr•on1 traveling onto the adj acenL property- The Swale shall be graded in <br />drain to the onsite storm. drain systenl- <br />F39- T71c grading of the parking stalls in the northeast corner of the devclopm ent shall he <br />regraded to eli nlinatc the grade difference between the parking stalls and the existing, <br />ground on the adjacent property. <br />90- The utilities within the dcvelopn~ent shall be private and maintained t>y the: liolraeowncrs <br />association or maintenance association. There shall he a separate water supply for the <br />domestic alid irrigation system and tire. sprinkler system- Where the new water laterals <br />connect to the City water main at Birch Creek Drive there shall be a water meter and <br />bsacl<t7ow devise for the domestic and irrigation sysie311s- 7.'hc fire sprinkler line shall he <br />looped unless otherwise approved by the Fire Marshall and City Engineer and have <br />backtlow devices and cacti connection- '1-tic sizilig oPthc on-site utility lilacs s11a11 be <br />subject to the review and approval of the Fire Marshall and City Engincer- <br />91 - l.lnless otherwise approved by the City Engineer, the storm drain outfall detail shall be <br />revised as follows= <br />the n~i nimunl size rock within the outthll shall be '/a ton, and <br />~ the mininlunl width of the sn-ilct ure shall be 5 tact, and the slope stabilizing <br />geotextile fabric shall extend a minimum of 5 tact on both sides of the outfall <br />structu rc. <br />92_ The applicant engineer shall submit storm drain hydraulic calculation to verify that the <br />hydraulic grade line does not exceed city design standards. <br />93- The buildi3lg shall pads shall be constructed above the 100-year flood elevation as <br />established by Alameda County Flood Control lone 7_ The property shall be graded <br />such that no stonr~ water rules directly to the Arroyo- - <br />LIRSAN ST012MWATF.R RUNOFF REQUIREMENTS <br />5tort1lwater Deli z=n Rea uireanents <br />94- The prof ecL shall comply with the Alameda Countywide NPDFS Permit #Cn5002983 1 ~ a <br />copy of which is available at the City offices <br />95- "1'he 1~>llowing requirements shall be incorporated into the project- <br />a~ The project de veloper shall submit a final grading and drainage plan prepared by <br />a. licensed civil engineer depicting all final grades and on-site drainage control <br />measures including bio-Swales. Irrigated hio-swales shall be redesigned a.s <br />Headed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer to optimize the anlo unt of the <br />S10 r321 water running Off the paved SLI3-1 t1Ce thaC eRiers the b1U-swalC at its n105t <br />12 <br />