<br />WlIter Quality
<br />
<br />Zt>ne 7 of the .'.lan.eda Ct>unt} Flood Central and Water Con..ef\ ation Dijtriet, d.e Cit} "f
<br />Pleajanton \lI'ater Department, and the IIaeienda Bu,inej" Park Ownetj .\jjt>eiatien ate re'pt'llljible
<br />for. arieu.' water '1ualit} menitoring efforta. Zone 7 h,lj eondueted regularl} aeheduled monitoring of
<br />Jix ....ell:l in Plea3il.nton, fVI ,~.tter le~d3, n.incr.'ll content, and potential e0l1tllIninant.1 oJ'cr the Plut
<br />t,\elll} }eara. Nt> ..igflifieant Ie.da of ,olatile organic compoundj tlt eental"inanu ha.e been deteeted
<br />to date in Ple.ljanton'.. ."ater aup('!}.
<br />
<br />The Cit} Water Department monitor a four wdb and j!X te'tin!!, ataUoIU for ehlorination and
<br />
<br />fluoridation on a dail} bnji.,. In nddition, the Cit} ha.l 21 otl.er tejting atatit'lllj "here baeteria are
<br />
<br />luonitoretl on .r "eeld} bajij. Total di.lwl. cd ,lUli,b, I'll mil.erab, ami hea.} n,etab are aho
<br />
<br />
<br />lHonitorco on a u:gul.u baJi.t ptluu..nt to. State Ictf1:lilen~cntj.
<br />
<br />In addition to the tE-Itin!!, eondueted b} Zone 7 and the Cil), the IIaeienda Ilt...ine.... Parle Ow ner.'
<br />
<br />.\ajoeiation (I IBPO.'.) ah" n,onitor.1 water <Iualil) annuall}. The IlBpO,\ ha.l in.ltalled a tatal of
<br />
<br />21 "db whieh are periadic"lI} monitored on a mtnting ba,ij. ,\11 tot "julLl ha.e been aeee('table fot
<br />
<br />all t,uicj and eontaminanu. Tl.e Cit} 'j baekflo w pre. enti"n and flujhing program protcet.l the
<br />
<br />eontinued puri!) "f drinkin!!, water nnee it entera the Cit} aptem.
<br />
<br />Sand lInd Cravel
<br />
<br />'111e Ceneral PI.IIl de..ign,ltea tl.e 2,700 aerea of land containing jand and !!,U. el depo.lit., in tl.e ea.ltern
<br />('ortisn sf the Planning ,\ren for d.e l.ar, e.lting sf thij tcgionaY} ,ignificant "'suree. t>.ls.lt "f thi.l
<br />land i.1 owned b} three lar!!,e ',1nd and !!,ra.el haf\"ting eon'panie.l. Kai.ler Sand and Cra.d,
<br />ltt>.IC Lone.ltar, andl'leajanton era. el CUI..pan} /Ca!mat. Th"e eompani" aho hold ('ern,itj from
<br />.\lamed" Count} entitling them to utraet the..e depo.lita.
<br />
<br />Histone Re30urces
<br />
<br />The Cit} haj taken n.;,jot jtepj tnward t11e proteetion of arehitcet1:1lall} ai!!,nifieant buildin!!,.. and haa
<br />
<br />
<br />in. entotied all aignifieant jtrdeturea t1l d.e Do.into.".'n arca.8 adopted doign !!,uidelinea "hieh
<br />
<br />
<br />cneotlrage .JcnJIt1~e ilufH5d::nH:ntl to D6uHto....n conuncrEial buildiflgJ, ~.nd dCJignated the
<br />
<br />DOwnto"n re.lidentialarea a.l a Speeifie Plan .\rea for further jtl:1d} ef hi,torie pre,,! .ation and other
<br />
<br />mu". A hiatorie landmark pre.ler.ati"n 8tdi,unee and cOl1'l('lehcnai.c l.eritage bl:1ildin!!, deaign
<br />
<br />guiddiflej are ab" l.t..nned to be de. eleped in the near future.
<br />
<br />Open Space Land Used fer Outdoor Recreation
<br />
<br />
<br />'l1,e Ci!)' DepartI.,ent nf Parlta and ComllllIflit} ~er. ieej ae'1uire.l l'"rIdand tl1t<:lu!!,h ita Park
<br />
<br />
<br />Dedication Ordiflanee9 antl('",.ide.1 a ..ide range of reCle"tioll.1 f.eilitie.l and ('rog""," in Cit} parlu.
<br />
<br />
<br />'ll,e are.13 d"i!!,n.lted .jj Parl,., and lteereation on the Celle..1 Plan Map eonjtitutc the City'a plan fer
<br />
<br />futme l'arlr ".Ie. The City "lao ij ..orl,ing "ith bu,inesa ('ar![ de. eloper.! te locate and finanee a
<br />
<br />ree.rcational 3itt: fur bu~ilH::j3 nnplojt:t:j, In tI.t: fUl:tlI<:, the Cit} ",ill 11........J k.. JUI"pkn,t:Jlt it:i P..lk
<br />
<br />C;'IO(lSl:.k1T\l..'f11,CCOK29ll(I,rcdhnc
<br />
<br />VII-29
<br />