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<br />Additional Storage Volume in the Vineyard Hills Reservoir <br /> <br />The City completed a Water Master Plan in November, 2004. This Master Plan is the most <br />comprehensive analysis of the City's water system completed to-date, and was the first plan to <br />review the existing and required facilities within the City's Bonde Pressure Zone in detail. <br />The Bonde Pressure Zone has the second largest water demand in the City, (the highest <br />demand area is the City's "Lower" pressure zone that comprises much of the valley floor <br />portions of the City. The "service" elevations of the Bonde Zone are generally between <br />elevations 390' and 540' above mean sea level (AMSL). <br /> <br />As part of the Master Plan, the analysis of the Bonde Zone determined that the storage deficit <br />in the Bonde Zone at build-out of the Vineyard Corridor, is one million gallons. The Plan <br />also noted that there was a storage deficit of approximately an additional 400,000 gallons in <br />the eastern portion of the Bonde Zone (generally in the Ruby Hill area) at build-out <br />conditions. <br /> <br />In order to offset this deficit, City staff and the Water Master Plan consultant recommended, <br />during the preliminary engineering phase of the water facilities project, that this storage deficit <br />be addressed within the new Vineyard Hills reservoir, since the Vineyard Corridor and Ruby <br />Hill areas of the Bonde Zone will be connected and operate hydraulically similar. <br /> <br />Vineyard Hills Reservoir Site Acquisition on the Reznick Partnership (Threehand L.P.) Property <br /> <br />In order to serve the Bonde water pressure zone, the Vineyard Hills reservoir must be situated <br />at an elevation of 636 feet above sea level. The new reservoir is proposed to be located within <br />the Vineyard Avenue Corridor Specific Plan Area that is in the eastern half of the City's <br />"Bonde" water pressure zone. The fmal site selected for the reservoir is on the Reznick <br />(Threehand L.P.) property, approximately 2000 feet southerly of what was Vineyard Avenue. <br />The proposed 1.4 million gallon pre-stressed concrete, partially-buried, water reservoir will be <br />located on the southerly portion of a 20-acre parcel owned by the Reznick partnership. <br /> <br />The new reservoir floor is located at elevation 636 feet and 2/3 of the reservoir will be buried <br />in a natural knoll located on the southernmost portion of the Reznick partnership property. <br />The reservoir is approximately 110 feet in diameter and 26 feet high. Access to the reservoir <br />will be generally along a 1900-foot long access road that follows much of the existing road on <br />the property used to access an existing dwelling. In negotiations with the Reznick partnership <br />for the acquisition of property necessary for the construction of the reservoir and access road, <br />Mr. Reznick expressed a desire to have the required tank access road provide all utilities to <br />accommodate the future residential development of the property in exchange for the City <br />obtaining the required land to construct the reservoir. (The Vineyard Corridor Specific Plan <br />had identified six new lots, as well as the existing dwelling, as potential development on the <br />Reznick property.) <br /> <br />SR 06:152 <br />Page 4 of 13 <br />