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<br />Vineyard Hills Water Pumping Pmnp Station <br />Design fees (remaining) <br />Construction Estimate <br />Construction Support <br />Subtotal <br /> <br />$100,000 <br />$2,000,000 <br />$200,000 <br />$2,300,000 <br /> <br />Zone 7 Turnout 6 Improvements <br />Zone 7 design review <br />Design fees <br />Construction Estimate <br />Construction Support <br />Subtotal <br /> <br />$20,000 <br />$40,000 <br />$300,000 <br />$50,000 <br />$410,000 <br /> <br />Total for Required VCSP Water Facilities <br /> <br />$8,531,206 <br /> <br />Water Reservoir Funding for the Reservoir and Rough Graded Access Road <br /> <br />Ideally then, and as provided in the VCSP Financing Program adopted by Council on March <br />7, 2000, the water reservoir, access road, pump station- and turnout necessary to serve the <br />VSCP area would be funded solely from the VCSP fees collected from developers in the <br />VCSP area. On the other hand, any over-sizing of these facilities to serve existing or planned <br />new development in areas outside the VCSP area would typically be funded from the City's <br />Water Expansion Fund and/or the City's Water Replacement/Improvement Fund. <br /> <br />In addition, because the VCSP and Financing Program recognized that the need for new <br />facilities would occur before adequate funds could be generated from specific plan fees from <br />new development, it was envisioned that the City would use the Water Expansion and Water <br />Replacement Funds to front the cost to construct all the remaining water facilities in the VCSP <br />area, Le., the tank/access road, the pump station and the turnout. To the extent the facilities <br />were constructed to serve development within the VCSP area, the City's Water Funds would <br />be paid back from VCSP fees (collected at the time of fmal map approval). <br /> <br />Of the residential dwelling units within the VCSP area (189 new, 14 existing), 127 have <br />already paid their VCSP fees, leaving 76 units that still need to pay their fees. However, the <br />need to build all of the water facilities required for the VCSP exists now, so that they can be <br />in service as close to the summer peak demand period of 2007 as possible. <br /> <br />Currently, there is approximately $3.5 million remaining in the CIP project fund for the <br />Vineyard Corridor Water System Improvement Project, CIP No. 011023. This CIP Project <br />was initially set up to fund some of the water system facilities within the VCSP. There is also <br />approximately $2.6 million in the VCSP Infrastructure Project Fund (the current balance of <br />the VCSP fees collected) for a total of $6.1 million. However, of the $2.6 million VCSP <br />SR 06:152 <br />Page 10 of 13 <br />