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2O <br /> <br /> A low awareness and low participation level would indicate ineffective information <br />programs. A high awareness level with low participation may indicate that additional <br />convenience or other motivation is needed in the actual diversion programs. <br /> <br /> FUNDING COMPONENT <br /> <br /> This section describes the funding mechanisms for planning, developing, and implementing <br />the HHW program as required under Section 18751.8 of the State Planning Guidelines. The <br />principal HHW program selected by Pleasanton is a countywide program implemented by the <br />Alameda County Depat'mient of Environmental Health (DEH). The funding of the countywide <br />HHW program is described in this section as well as other HHW programs. <br /> <br />Program Costs <br /> <br /> The County DEH has estimated the initial cost of the proposed countywide HHW program <br />for the fast year (1990-1991) to be $1,781,300. This "one-me" cost includes the acquisition of <br />three proposed permanent collection facilities, preparation of environmental impact reports, and <br />certain partial year staff and operating expenses (see Table 2 for detail.q). <br /> <br /> Once the three permanent facilities are built, the annual operating costs for the proposed <br />HHW collection program has been estimated at $2,375,000 (see Table 3 for cost details). <br /> <br />Funding <br /> <br /> The County decided to fund the HHW program by imposing a tipping fee on County solid <br />waste disposal facility operators of $1.32 per ton of municipal solid waste generated within the <br />County and disposed at these facilities, effective October 1, 1990. The tipping fee was based on <br />the estimate in Table 3, the amount of solid waste disposed in 1989 in the three landfills <br />(Altamont, Durham Road, and Vasco Road) located within Alameda County, and a surcharge per <br />of $.07 per ton to create a special committee to consider incentives for commercial/industrial <br />recyclers. The County Waste Management Authority (CWMA) decided to abolish the surcharge <br />of $.07 per ton and readjusted the tipping fee to $1.25 per ton, effective March 1, 1991. Based <br />on approximately 1.91 million runs of solid waste disposed of in 1989 in the three landfills, the <br />tipping fee of $1.25 per ton would generate approximately $2.4 million per year required to <br />operate the HHW program. <br /> <br /> Since the HHW program is countywide, the cost to Pleasanton is based on tons of solid <br />waste disposed per year at one of the three landfills located within the County. Based on <br />approximately 105,692 tons per year of solid waste disposed by Pleasanton, its share of the <br />countywide HHW collection program cost is $132,115. <br /> <br />City of Pleasanton <br />Printed on r~ycled paper <br /> <br /> <br />