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<br />BALLOT ARGUEMENT <br />IN SUPPORT <br />OF THE <br />BERNAL PROPERTY PHASE II LAND USE PLAN <br /> <br />A "yes" vote for Measure X provides unique opportunities for Pleasanton residents of all ages. The 318- <br />acre Bernal Community Park has been designed around a framework of woodlands, meadows and <br />wetlands. The scenic Pleasanton ridge view corridor and the arroyo natural riparian habitats are <br />protected. Trails and paths intertwine throughout the park and connect to regional trails. Cultural and <br />rural heritage will be showcased through agricultural and Native American historical reflective areas. <br />Open space will dominate the grand park concept. Community facilities such as lighted sports fields, an <br />outdoor amphitheater, children's play areas, outdoor basketball courts, a teen/community center and <br />cultural arts facilities including a theater, art classrooms, gallery and rehearsal space will be clustered to <br />maximize open space and the sharing of facilities, while minimizing infrastructure costs. <br /> <br />This vision for the 318-acre Bernal Community Park is reflected in the Bernal Property Phase II Land <br />Use Plan. This plan was approved unanimously by the City Council on May 16, 2006. There has been <br />significant involvement from various stakeholders throughout the community including the Parks and <br />Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, Civic Arts Commission and Youth Commission. <br />Members of various sports groups, agricultural clubs and city task forces, as well as the general public, <br />have also provided input on the development of this plan. These stakeholders represent a cross section <br />of our community and are committed to the fulfillment of this vision. <br /> <br />Make the Bernal Community Park a reality. Vote "yes" on Measure X. <br /> <br />NOTE: LANGUAGE FOR FURTHER COUNCIL CONSIDERATION <br /> <br />Your Pleasanton City Council is very proud and excited to present to you the <br />Bernal Property Phase II Land Use Plan for your ratification and approval. <br />