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MITIGATION MONITORING PLAN <br /> <br /> Impact / Specific Plan Measure Timing <br /> <br />LAND USE (Section 4.1) ~ <br />4.1-4: Land Use Compatibility - Residential with Agricultural <br /> Land Uses <br /> <br />The Specific Plan requires that urban uses be separated from existing and Required as a condition of <br />proposed agricultural operations through buffers such as streets or passive open PUD Development Plan <br />space. approval. <br /> <br />Purchasers and tenters of property are required to sign a statement to be At close of escrow and prior <br />included in their deed of sale or renta!Aease agreement to protect agricultural to occupancy. <br />uses from nuisance lawsuits. The statement shall read as follows: <br /> <br /> "You are hereby advised that this property is located near land zoned <br /> and/or used for agricultural purposes. Agricultural use is defined as <br /> including but not limited to day and night time activity relating to <br /> livestock grazing, the keeping of livestock, the growing and processing of <br /> agricultural crops, and any commercial agricultural practices performed <br /> as incidental to or in conjunction with such operations. Some of the <br /> impacts associated with agricultural use include but are not limited to <br /> noise, odors, dust, chemicals, refuse, waste, unsightliness, use of <br /> agricultural equipment, and traffic. Permitted agricultural pursuits <br /> conducted in accordance with good practice and maintenance are not <br /> deemed by the City of Pleasanton to be a nuisance." <br /> <br />Site-specific vineyard and open space management plans shall be prepared and Prior to PUD development <br />submitted by each developer of lots which contain vineyard land as a part of plan approval. <br />the PUD development plan application. Plans shall address agricultural <br />operations and wildlife and vegetation preservation needs. <br /> <br />Vineyard planting (at least root-stock) and permanent irrigation facilities shall Prior to the issuance of <br />be completed prior to the issuance of building permits for the last 25% of building permits on the <br />dwellings to be constructed on the original lot on which the vineyards are affected properties. <br />located. <br /> <br />Additional measures are included in Chapter 4 of the EIR to mitigate land use <br />compatibility impacts between agricultural operations and residential uses, <br />including noise, dust generation, and fertilizer/pesticide use. <br /> <br />4.1-S: Land Use Compatibility - Parks and Residential Uses <br /> <br />Uses in the southem most portion of the proposed park shall generally be Prior to PUD Development <br />restricted to passive activities such as pedestrian/equestrian trails and open Plan approval. <br />space. Setbacks and landscaped buffers of at least 30-feet shall be incorporated <br />into the park site plan to screen existing and proposed adjacent residential <br />areas from park noise and activities. Outdoor security lighting shall be shielded <br />to direct light downward to minimize its visibility from surrounding properties. <br /> <br /> Vineyard Avenue Corridor Specific Plan Draft EIR MMP-3 Mitigation Monitoring Plan <br /> <br /> <br />