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MITIGATION MONITORING PLAN <br /> <br /> Impact / Specific Plan Measure Timing <br /> <br />6-1: Unacceptable Level of Service: First Street/Ray <br /> Street/Vineyard Avenue <br /> <br />To mitigate unacceptable levels of service at the intersection of First In conjunction with build-out <br />Street/Ray Avenue/Vineyard Avenue, the following measures should be of the General Plan and when <br />implemented with the buildout of the General Plan: conditions warrant. <br /> <br />, Add a second through-lane on the southbound First Street approach. <br /> <br />· Add a second through-lane on the northbound First Street approach. <br /> <br /> Mitigation would improve this intersection to V/C ratio 0.70, LOS B, <br /> during the impacted p.m. peak hour. These mitigation measures are <br /> planned by the City and funds are available. <br /> <br />6-2: Unacceptable Level of Service Bernal Avenue/Stanley <br /> Boulevard <br /> <br />To mitigate an unacceptable level of service at the intersection of Bernal In conjunction with build-out <br />Avenue/Stanley Boulevard, the following measure should be implemented with of the General Plan and when <br />the buildout of the General Plan: conditions warrant. <br /> <br />· Add a third through-lane on the eastbound Stanley Boulevard approach. <br /> <br />This mitigation would improve this intersection to V/C ratio 0.86, LOS D, <br />during the impacted p.m. peak hour and sufficiently mitigate an unacceptable <br />level of service. This mitigation measure is planned by the City and would be <br />funded by traffic impact fees <br /> <br />6-3: Degradation to Unacceptable Level of Service <br /> <br />To mitigate an unacceptable level of service at the intersection of Isabel In conjunction with build-out <br />Avenue/Vineyard Avenue the following measure should be implemented: of the General Plan and when <br /> economically feasible. <br />· Add a second lane on the southbound Isabel Avenue Approach. This <br /> lane would function as an exclusive right-turn lane. <br /> <br />With mitigation, the intersection would operate at LOS B with an average <br />delay of 8.7 seconds for the delayed movements during the impacted a.m. peak <br />hour. This improvement is anticipated to be implemented when Isabel Avenue <br />is widened to 4 lanes as part of the Measure B transportation projects. <br /> <br />6-4: Freeway Traffic Operations <br /> <br />Project developers would be responsible for paying a pro-rata share of traffic Prior to issuance of a building <br />improvements identified in the Tri-Valley Transportation Plan and the City permit. <br />Traffic Development Fee. <br /> <br />Vineyard Avenue Corridor Spedtic Plan Draft EIR MMP-21 Mitigation Monitoring Plan <br /> <br /> <br />