<br />Water Supply.2
<br />
<br />Zone 7 of the Alameda County I'lood Control and Watcr Conservation District (70"" 7 Wnt,'r
<br />AI3"nc.y) provides wholesale water to the Tri-Valley area and also regulates withdrawal and
<br />recharge of the underlying groundwatcr basin. Zone 7 currently has three sources of water: State
<br />Water Project water trom the South Bay Aqueduct, surface runotf collected in the Del Valle
<br />Reservoir, and local groundwater. Zone-7;s-also-cxploring-additivlIal "at", ,ul'l'ly vl'livlI, tv lll"d
<br />IUllb-l~11l1 I.Jluj\;\..l\;J J~JllaIlJ witll;u ib .:')\;1 vi\..\,; dl\,;l.l.ln :lliciition to \Vntf~r s.tnrpd in .hi" lornl
<br />erollnChvntf"T hnsin 'loot'" 7 hns :lC'l]lIirpci :uirlitinnnl oll'-nf-has.in erollndwntf"T s..nrnel" In hl"lp supply
<br />its sl"rvip.l" nrc-n dllrine drollehts.
<br />
<br />The S'atp pllmps State Water Project~ water i, I'U'"l'"J trom the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
<br />via the California Aqueduct, and-is-conveyscclit to the Valley via the South Bay Aqueduct, trcatscd
<br />it at the Patterson Pass and Del Valle Water Treatment Plants in Livennore, and then sends..i1t to
<br />Plcasanton via thc Zonc 7 Cross Valley and Vineyard Pipelines. 70"" 7 storps wWater from the
<br />South Bay Aqueduct and frmnJocal runotf i, "bv ,tv,,,d in thc Del Valle Rcscrvoir allJ u,,,d by
<br />Zone 7 ""'S this watpr to replcnish groundwater supplies through release into the Arroyo Del Valle
<br />n"d Arroyo Moc.ho. OwuIlJ"at", "ull,i,b vf ,Scveral sub-basins in the Tri-Valley nrpn contnin
<br />erollndwnlt'r, the most important of which are located in the west-central area of the Valley whcre
<br />the major Zone 7 and City wells area located.
<br />
<br />Zone 7 distributes its water supplies to cities and unincorporated areas based on individual water
<br />dclivcry schcdules. Acting as_a water wholesaler, it sells water to Pleasanton. which ns n rptnil"r;
<br />ill tUIll, opcrates and maintains the water l'ullIl'ill!; ,,"dpllmpine, distribution nnd stomep system to
<br />deliver this water to its-homes and businesses "" a ,<Ol,,;"". In a typical year, Zone 7 provides
<br />Pleasanton with approximately 75o&il percent of its water. The remainder is pumped through
<br />City-owned wells in accordance with a pumping schedule approved by Zone 7. The groundwater,
<br />"hid, ;, pumped from funrCity=-weHsnnd 70n" 7-oWll,'d wdls, is disinfected allJ "JJ"J tv(using
<br />p.hlnmminpo;: - n C'omhinntinn of chlorine nnd nmmonin) :Hut pllmpeo into the City's water system
<br />g,'npmlly during the summer months to mcct peak-usage periods. Pl"nsnnton nllorida'"s n1'\ll water
<br />supplied to Pk""alltUlIWLcustomers nt nIl tim"s "f.h,. ypa,i, tluv,id"kd.
<br />
<br />Plpns.;-mfnn'" f1nnllnl erollndW:ltt'T pn.illC'ml"nt is. 1 "no j1CTl"-rl"P.t Thi<;. :lInnll"' is. tixpn hy ("onfr:lct
<br />with 7nne 7 which ::Icts. ::Is. the recinn:11 ernlmdw;ltf"r h:1"1.;n mnn:lcpr fnr the Tri-V:1l1ey ::Irf":1 The
<br />entitlement i"1. "1.t1hjpc.t to nt"cntintinn when the rity's. c.nntmct with 7nne 7 is. renewf"d :1lthollCh the
<br />rity dnes. nnt :mt;c.;p:ltp th:1t fil'"re-pllmpine limits. will c.h;mce ~icnifip;mtly Thll~:l~ thp rity
<br />crnws it will rely mnre nn Znne 7 fnr the hlllk nfits. W:1'er I;mpply T::Ihle VI_? s.1Imm~lri7f'~ f~x;"1.:tine
<br />:1nc-l prnjPf'tPti :1nnll:11 wnter rlem:mrl
<br />
<br />rka::JautvlI'::J '-'lIlH;lIt ,-,vllh"d willi Zvw; 7 ,,)lVW;) till.,; C;ty tv U;)I.,; 1;1 IWI."illllllll uf 3,500 "'-'II.,;.h,;d PI.,;I
<br />y~al (all aV~I;lIiulI gallulI;) p~1 Jay) GUill glullllJwakl witll 1Iu.; 1~llIa;IIJ~1 tu L~ uLtaill~J [IUIII
<br />ZVII" 7. Zone 7 projects that it can supply sutlicient water supplies-to meet the City's future water
<br />needs, assurning that the ~t:lte nep:lrlment nf Wnter Res.nlJrc.es. snpplies. it I~,-,~iv~;) al1 aV~lag~ uf
<br />approximately ,,,v,,"ty-livd5. percent of its-70n" 7's contractual allocation rlUllI tl,,, Stak
<br />
<br />4
<br />(':lmp nrf"......pr III Mc.:Kf"f" Tnc for lh~ C'ity nfPIi":1...:mlon JVntpr nittlrihut;nn .f\.1}tt1t~m Mntttpr Plan f lflr/Illp Novl"mhf"r
<br />2.tlllil.
<br />
<br />VI-7
<br />