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<br />Structure of the Plan <br /> <br />This Economic Development Strategic Plan is structured to express City goals and <br />policies regarding economic development, and to serve as a companion to the City's <br />General Plan update. The Plan provides broad guidance for the future of Pleasanton's <br />economic development, as well as provides specific near-, mid-, and long-term <br />implementation actions. <br /> <br />The Plan is divided into four sections. A Summary of Economic Trends. based on a more <br />detailed Background Report provided as an Appendix to this Plan, highlights Pleasanton's <br />strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for future economic development. Next, the <br />Plan presents goals, policies, and strategies for both the City as a whole and for several <br />areas such as downtown, Hacienda Business Park and Stoneridge Shopping Center. The <br />Plan also includes an Action Plan Matrix of steps to implement the Plan, and also includes <br />benchmarks to evaluate progress over time. <br /> <br />Process to Create the Plan <br /> <br />This Plan was formulated through a structured process involving the Economic Vitality <br />Committee, City staff, and consultants. Starting with the results of a detailed Background <br />Report and interviews of economic stakeholders, the Economic Vitality Committee <br />convened seven times in 2005 to discuss economic trends, and to formulate goals and <br />policies for Pleasanton's future economic development. Also meeting with the Economic <br />Vitality Committee were a liaison from the City Council and others involved in the General <br />Plan Update, providing a direct link to broader City policy and the General Plan. For a <br />complete list of Pleasanton's Economic Vitality Committee members as well as key <br />informant interviews conducted for this Plan, please see the Appendices to this document. <br /> <br />Pleasanton Economic Development Strategic Plan <br />DRAFT - January 2006 <br /> <br />2 <br />