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<br />BELOW IS A SUMMARY OF THE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS PROVIDED AT THE <br />PUBLIC MEETING ON MARCH 14, 2006. <br /> <br /> Vineyard A venue Median/Landscaping and Overlay Imp <br />Public Comments/Questions: City's Response: <br />What will the Smoketree Commons roadway City Traffic Engineer will follow up with a <br />access be? meeting. <br />What is the proposed bike lane width on 7'. <br />Vinevard Ave, 6' or 7'? <br />Will existing median trees remain? Yes. <br />If Bernal Ave driveway is opened internal Follow-up meeting with Smoke tree <br />traffic will be diverted through an area Commons. <br />where there is a heavy concentration of small <br />children that play. <br />Can the southwest return of Vineyard Currently they are not included in the budget <br />Ave/Sauterne Way be included m the and the City does not plan on doing any <br />landscaping plans? improvements in this reach. <br />What is the sound reduction of Rubberized Sound attenuation pavement can reduce noise <br />Asphalt Concrete? levels by 3-4 decibels. Sound attenuation <br /> pavement nOIse reduction properties are <br /> attributed to voids in the pavement absorbing <br /> rather then rebuffmg sounds. The voids in <br /> the pavement are created by the aggregate <br /> mix design. Open graded mix asphalt and <br /> rubberized Asphalt have similar properties, <br /> which account for their nOIse reduction <br /> properties. <br />Why design two east bound turning lanes The double left turns allow , two lanes of <br />from Bernal Ave heading east on Vineyard traffic through the signalized intersection <br />Ave, will this create a back up? allowing for a shorter left turn cycle which <br /> shortens the overall time for the light to <br /> complete one cycle. Therefore for a given <br /> duration the amount of cycles is increased, <br /> . . the volume of traffic moved <br /> mcreasmg <br /> through the intersection in all directions. <br />Has a traffic study/simulation been City Traffic Engineer will follow up with a <br />completed for the future Bernal Bridge response. <br />warranting the two-east bound turn lanes? <br />What will the north and southbound turn City Traffic Engineer will follow up with a <br />lanes configuration consist of between response. <br />Tawny Dr. and Vineyard Ave when the new <br />Bernal Ave bridge is built? <br /> <br />EXHIBIT C <br />