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<br />., <br /> <br />Internment 1 -imitations: Unlike a mumClpa\ cemetery, cemetery district5 arc rcquiKd to limil <br />interments to district residents, former residents who acquired intmnenl rights while they were district <br />residenu, persons who pay prope:ny la:l{CS on property in the district, pc:mlns who formerly paid taxes on <br />property in the district and acquired interment ri ghts while they were district residents, eligible <br />nomcsidentsl7, and persons who are family members of those dcsaibed above. Cemetery dislricts are <br />also prolubited from oVl'lling and operating a mauscleum, yet they may own and operate columbarium." <br /> <br />2. Public Services Provided by the Memorial GardellS <br /> <br />Based on a review of other city-owned cemeteries and stafrs !'CSC8JCh, the Pleasanton Memorial <br />Gardens could provide the following ScMces to the public: <br /> <br />. The Memorial Gardens CemeIery could fill Pleaso.nlon 's sharI-term need/or cemetery space, <br />According 10 staff's analysis of aV1lilable cemetery space above, the Cemetery' would meet PleasantoD' s <br />need for cemetery space for approximately tbtee to five years. However, tbe Cemetery's grave capacity <br />could be enhanced by exploring morc compact burials OptiOllS, such as constrUcting a columbarium with <br />niches on site and/or expanding the cemetety onto adjoining propertY. In collSidering this option, it <br />should be noted that while Memorial fr.lrdCllS provides affordable graves, the amenities and style of the <br />Cemetery might not be suited to everyone's needs, expect:atiollS and lasles in Pleasanton. <br /> <br />"HeaI1h lOll Wd)I Code 9()61 provides: <br />(0) A dislrict may inter a penon who is DOlO ""ielent of \be dislric:t or 0 penon ",110 does nOl p"y propc:ny!axes on propert)l <br />located in tile district in a eemOlety owned by the d_ if" all of tile foUowina ""ply: . <br />(I) The distriet has ... endeWlDent care fund dJat requires.. 1_ the minimum payment.... pursawu to Section 9065. <br />(2) The distriet ",quires the payment of. DOIIt<lSiden1 fee set pursuant tAl Scetioo 90~. A bOard 01 lrUSl<CS may IClOpt <br />o wrilletl policy Ihal pennils _iving1be payment of the tbODRSidcDl foe for 0 DOnresident who had pum.lI:ICd ... ~t <br />riglll while a "",ideDt or a ""'payer. <br />(3) The pet50Il moctS 1be eonditioos list<<! in one or mono ofoubdivisions (b) lhroogh (e), <br />(b) A pcrsoo is an .lisible noot<Sidcnt pumwII to ~9060(b)(5) if1be pencm is. family member of a pencm who i, already <br />intetTO<! in 0 """",101)' owned by the district or is a family membco" of a penon who has a<:quited intemlOlJl rigltts ill a <br />""DlOlety owned by a district. <br />(e) A JlOI"'II is all eUp" nonresident pur.<U8lrt 10 ~906O(bXS) ifaU of the following appJy: <br />(I) ThcpGSOG was. ....ident of the district or paid property ""'., on Pfoperty located in lbe distriet foreoplinuou< <br />period ofat least S jars. 0 portion of which time period shall bave occurred within 1be 10 ye.... immediaulybefore the <br />peBOII'. dcatb. <br />(2) The district ...m- a written Rquesl for the intament of the pencm from 0 persott who is a residall of tbc dDtri<:1 <br />or who pI)'> proJ>C1tY 1aJl" on prcpetty located within the district. and the """'OG submitting the wriIIm> rcqWlSl is not 0 <br />trUStee, officer. or employee of the di5trict and is nOl 0 funenl director or an employee of. funeral _. <br />(3) The board oftnlSlees dcterIIIines lhat tlu: cemetery has .deqllMe 'pace for tbc foraeeable _. <br />(d) A JlOI"'II is "'" eligible nonresident pw-suanlto t906O(b)(5) jf.lI of the following apply: <br />(I) The petS""' was 0 resident oflhi, stale at tbc time of death. <br />(2) There is no private eemcu:ry witbin . sttaight.line radius of 1 S miles of the person'. residence. <br />(:l) There is no pri""te cemetery near... to the """'OIl', residence tIw1 the: nearest cemelery owned by the dIStrict. <br />(4) The distanCOS .halI be rneasurcd in . straightlme from the person's res.dence 10 the nean:sr private eemelCry and the <br />"""",$I cemetery "",ned by the dis..ict. <br />(e) A penon is an cligtllle nonrcsideat FW'""ntlO ~906O(b)(S) ,fall of lb. following apply: <br />(l) The penon died whiIc cithct: <br />(A) ServiDg in the Annod Forte$ or the ..:live militia. or <br />(8) to t.... line of duty .. . pea<e ofrt<:Cl' or firefighter. <br />(2) The bmlrd of ttuSlees derennines that the cemetery bas adequalC space for lhe foreseeable future. <br />n MUtlicipal <<Jnll!leria.. in COfttr3St, may develop their own inlcrtnent resuictions iIDd may own and operate both <br />mausoleums and c:olwnbatiums. <br /> <br />PI"""""IO. Memorial Gardens ClrnldCry Rcporl <br /> <br />Poge 13 ofl6 <br />