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consistent with AB 1600 requirements. At this time, it is likely that staff is studying the potential for <br />recommending the implementation of a facilities replacement and traffic impact fees which would <br />replace those included in the Miscellaneous Program. As a result, revenue sources and amounts may <br />change. However, because these fee changes have not yet been reviewed or approved by the Council, <br />all years show funding from existing revenue sources. A presentation and review of the new fees is <br />expected shortly. <br />To determine estimated revenue resulting from construction activity, the Planning Department has <br />completed a five year forecast which anticipates the number of residential projects/units that may be <br />constructed during the next five years. A detailed listing of the number of units/projects expected to <br />be constructed is included in Appendix A located at the end of this document. In addition to projects <br />already approved by Council, a number of units assuming "moderate" growth have been added to the <br />final three years of the program to reflect the potential for new residential projects. A summary of <br />the number of units used to develop construction revenue projection is as follows: <br />SLIMMARY OF PROJECTED UNITS FOR REVENUE PROJECTIONS <br /> <br /> PREVIOUSLY PROJECTED <br /> APPROVED UNITS NEW UNITS TOTAL <br /> FrY 1993/94 640 0 640 <br /> FY 1994/95 712 0 712 <br /> FY 1995/96 341 0 341 <br /> FY 1996/97 263 150 413 <br /> TOTAL 1,956 150 2,106 <br /> <br />As mentioned previously, the actual revenue derived from these activities--while received during the <br />year that the building permit is issued--is reflected in the year after the revenue is anticipated to be <br />received. A total of $16,975,747 revenue is expected to be generated from this funding source over <br />the next five years. In addition to the permit-related fees, the program includes an anticipated $582,000 <br />from developer contributions. A yearly summary of revenues from specific fees is as follows: <br />CONSTRUCTION-RELATED FEES <br /> <br /> FY 1993/94 FY 1994/95 FY 1995/96 FY 1996/97 FY 1997/98 TOTAL <br /> WATER CONNECTION $339,484 $371,267 $163,397 $231,882 $231,882 $1,343,912 <br /> SEWER CONNECTION 282.728 298,753 148.644 188.213 188,213 1,106.551 <br /> PARK DEDICATION 623,700 1,358.900 336,600 1,036,500 225.500 3,581.200 <br /> RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION 226,861 267,867 137,572 184,998 I84,998 1.002.296 <br /> CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 332.850 373.800 158,025 216.825 216,825 1,298.325 <br /> GROWTH MANAGEMENT PUBLIC 436,500 507,000 192,500 297,000 297,000 1,730,000 <br /> NF.F-nS <br /> GROWl*t{ MANAGEMENT- 889,300 1,090,400 414,100 743,600 743,600 3,881,000 <br /> CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS <br /> DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTIONS 532,000 50.000 0 0 0 582,0000 <br /> TOTAL $3.663,422 $4.317.987 $1,556,838 $2,899.019 $2,088,019 $17,557,747 <br /> <br /> V <br /> <br /> <br />