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<br />Below is a summary of the questions and answers provided at the public meeting <br />on March 14, 2006, related to roundabout removal only: <br /> <br /> Vineyard A venue Traffic Roundabout Removal <br />Public Comments/Questions: City's Response: <br />Has any traffic calming been Not at this time; however, it is <br />considered on Vineyard A venue with anticipated that a future signal will be <br />the nrooosed roundabout removal? installed at "D" Street. <br /> City will provide centerline and edge <br />What is the condition of Old Vineyard striping, base repaIrS, and tree <br />Avenue? trimming. <br />What is the construction schedule, start Begin in July, with a 2.5-month <br />duration, finish? construction period, <br /> Currently, no. However, the City <br />Can construction include Saturdays? could consider. <br />Is the area north of the widening a Pedestrian trail. <br />oedestrian or eouestrian trail? <br />Can the construction schedule be Yes, longer working hours, and <br />accelerated, including longer working Saturdays can be considered, <br />davs? <br />Is the future school site access at D or D Street. <br />C Street? <br />What will the speed limit be on Old 25 MPH. Considered a construction <br />Vinevard Avenue? detour, <br /> <br />EXHIBIT D <br />