<br />In 7001 7ont" 7 W~tt"r ACf'nt"y t"<t~hlishf'ci ~ Wntf'r QII~lity M~n~et"mpnt Proernm to hPlp ""'inp
<br />the i"slIp." :mn c.:lIIc;:es, oftfl..::.tf' odor find hardnpc;:c;:, find to idf"n.ify methods. to mf'f't nntipipfltf'd filtllfP.
<br />wntPf qllnlity stannnrds. 7 rllrrl"ntly 7nnp. 7 hns. two projN'tc;: Ill:]. arf' "ithpf IInnf"f dp"iCI1 or flrf"
<br />heine implemented in the "hort-tenn (nt~xt five YP:lfS) to inlprnvp W:ltPf qll:llity (1 f' tn"te odor and
<br />hnrcinf''''') Thp. fir...' is. the Moc},,, Wdlfip.ld np.minf"mli7Rtinn Projec.t (which will fpdll(,f" the
<br />hnrnness. ofthp. Inertl crnnnrlwntp.f clcolivc-rpd hy 7("1111" 7) The second is. thp. tpmpnmry intrndlldinn
<br />of pnwclp'fprl :lc:.ivatf'n e:nrhnn fit it" nC'1 Vnllp. Writer Trp:1tmp.nt Phmt 7nnp. 7 currently hac;: wntpr
<br />trp:1tmp.n' plante;: :It Op.l Vnllp. :lod Pnftprc;:nn 1>:1"" for propps-sine: slIrf....c.p W:lff"r hf"fnn" it" dis'rihlltinn
<br />(Sf't" FiCIlft" VI-l ~hovp for tht" loc~tion of tilt'S<' two pl~nts) For ~ lonepr tf'nn improvemt"nt to
<br />rlp-livere.d writer qllnlity (expec.tprl in thp YP.:lT 70t 0) 'lnt,,'" 7 i~ in tht" prplimin:uy oe.s.ien for its
<br />"(,Wi'S' nn" third <mrf..'1C'p. wnteT trenftnt"nt pin". tht" Altnml1nt Writer Trentmpnt Phmt This pl::mt
<br />when nperntionnl, sholllrl filrthf'r improve' tht" 'l"nlity of delivered wntf'r to Plensnnton
<br />
<br />Watcr Storagc~
<br />
<br />Watcr storagc reservoirs are used to allow 74-hollr dpliv.'ry nf the City's water supply ro--bc
<br />Jdi'\OI\.J at a relatively constant rate v,,,, a 24-l1vII' 1'",ivJ, to accommodate hourly fluctuations in
<br />demand, and to provide the required fire flows and emergency reserves. Throllghollt tht" PI~nninc
<br />.Area,.Pleasanton stores its water in a'\.1 i", vf tank reservoirs which are grouped into four main
<br />pressure zones and a number of smaller pressure zones tlllvlI!;"vllttl,,, flallllill!; A."". The main
<br />water pressure zones consist of the Lower Zone (representing &Z-.&O...percent of total demand); and
<br />three Upper Zones serving portions of the Foothill Road area in the west (the Foothill Zone and the
<br />770 Zone) and the Southeast Hills and Ruby HilLareas in the southeast (the Bonde Zone).
<br />
<br />In order to meet the City's projected storage needs to the year 2e2e2ill..5., Iht" C'ity will nt"t"d
<br />additional watcr::storage-1ank rcscrvoirs ""ill L" II""J"J in both the City's Lower and Upper
<br />Zones. Tht" C'ity pl~ns TI,,, lu\."tivlI fv. tl,,, additional Lower Zone storage I"" L",," I'lallll,,<I tv L\O
<br />adjacent to the City's Tassajara Reservoir th~t w~s constructed north of 1-580 in 1993. The location
<br />of the additional lTppf'r "one storage ill tl,,, UW\O' ZVII'" will bc-dependcnt on the location of the
<br />new development. 'fhe-eExact sizes of these reservoirs and the timing of thcirconstruction arc
<br />dependent upon the-flltmp water=usage pattems vf flltll'" Jc,dvl'llI""t and General Plan buildout
<br />projections.
<br />
<br />Watcr Distribution SystcnL
<br />
<br />TI,,, City', ,,,dc. Ji,t. iLlltivlI 'p[,,", i, \'V'"I'V,,,J uf Au system of pipes sized to deliver """tc, at
<br />sufficient w~tpr volumes and pressure to service residential, commercial, and industrial users
<br />C'ompnsp. .11(' ("ily's wnteT rlistrihlltinn system. rllITently the ("try's writer systt'm C'ont:lins oveT 100
<br />miles of wntf"T pipp.linps rnncinc from 4 In 11\ inC'hps in c1inme.teT For phmnine rllrp()~f'~ nr"w
<br />
<br />7 7nnf" 7 prf"p:m.rl ;t hi;tnnll:ll Wnlf"T Qllrtlity Mnn;tef"mpnl Prngrnm Rppnrt rrtrci rtmt Srrthl~ I Jprlrttp ')001.')004 10
<br />cmmmari7p n:ll:l ;Inn IIprbfp Ihl" Wrtlf"T Q'J:llity Mrtnrtepmpnl Prngrnm
<br />
<br />8 r:lmp nre.s,c;pr& MC"Kf"p. ')004
<br />
<br />9 ramp nrl"c;c;pr & Mr.Krp ')004
<br />
<br />VI-IO
<br />