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<br />AITACHMENT 5 <br /> <br />Pleasanton Downtown Association <br />Board of Directors Meeting <br />Minutes <br />March 14,2006 <br /> <br />Present: Christine Salidivar, Judy Wheeler Ditter, Chris Beratlis, Mike Carey, Alexis <br />Gass, Mike O'Callaghan, Amy Amamou, Peter MacDonald <br />Absent: Rosalinda Herrera, Vic Malatesta, Mike Madden, Dave Victor <br /> <br />Approval of minutes approved unanimously with no changes. <br />Issues not on agenda, Chris Beratlis suggested we have awnings installed on windows of <br />PDA office. It was also suggested we install carpeting in office since the acoustics are <br />not conducive to phone calls and meetings. <br />Christine will proceed accordingly. <br /> <br />Re: Firehouse Art Theater The org committee recommends accepting theater plans as <br />presented in order not to impede progress or incur further costs. <br />Motion by Peter McDonald: The PDA supports proceeding with the Firehouse Theater <br />design as proposed and encourages, where possible, incorporation of design facets of the <br />adopted Downtown Design Guidelines. Motion seconded by Mike O'Callaghan and <br />unanimously approved. <br /> <br />Logo: Following discussion of status concerning the current logo Peter McDonald <br />motioned: PDA to develop for consideration a new logo for use in a new marketing <br />campaign to promote downtown. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Judy reminded everyone that some items discussed in board meetings must be <br />communicated to the public through either the board president or the executive director. <br /> <br />Museum: Christine to contact museum to assist them with ideas and find ways to work <br />more closely together, especially pertaining to Downtown events. <br /> <br />Peter addressed parking issues in the area of 300-400 blocks of Main St and side streets <br />in that area. Since the beginning of construction of building on East Angela, availability <br />of parking spaces has become a bigger issue and is having adverse effects on some <br />businesses in that area. <br /> <br />Kolin Bldg. The two historical facades at rear of bldg. will be saved but will compromise <br />the original plan for renovation. Bud Cornett has hired Wayne Rasmussen to help him <br />get through the building process easier. <br /> <br />Plans for Kiosk in front of Museum are progressing. <br /> <br />Meeting adjourned 9:15 am. <br />Alexis Gass, Secretary <br />