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<br />Lions Wayside Park <br />Pleasanlon.CA <br /> <br />Pl'llllmll'lal'Y <br />Opinion or Probable ConstlUl:Clon C<>>Is <br />s.t-,Ic DnJan S,_ <br /> <br />12.t6.05 <br /> <br />No<. <br />CoasareblKd on the MaKer Plan for t~ Downtown Pub & TnlllsSyJtem (2002). <br />Thb proje<;1 iJ 001 yet BC Desi,o Dftelopm.nuuga. and IUl.lbje<< to I'MI'1)' <;lMllpJ that;JR likely 10 al_ CDJUtrucl10n ooJD. <br /> <br />I. Thb mlrn;ne reJl"8Rlt[S lhe LandKape- Archll8l:C's opinion of~ construc:tion wsts. Beo;a..... or I'" <br />varylng nature of prkes. no SU"n10Uu. (u ktual romtrul:tlon CCIISU _ slwo or lmplted. <br />The Ofllnloo b.appmxfmale only. and does not I.lIoklt InfO aocount lUture market. rondItkmI orContractor's bidding methods. <br />2. Casu <W"1l' b;Qed on CWfmt prI= "od 00 provbIon has been made for Inflation. <br />3. COIIU are based on Inf"o I'R-darl"l HlllTk:_ KatrllUl. and may require updaIlng and/or an IlddlUOnal conlln~nty amount. <br />4. CoolS """ pr"lmlnary. biIsed OIl prellmi'*'j illmcratlVe dtawlnp and jWellmlnarydesll" IISNmpC5oM. <br />Qu;tntlClts and types ofitlllllll IN)' chan8e :sIgnlllcilllllyln the process of Dalgn Dcve!oplTlllnt and the pl"cparilllQf1 of Cm~l'\KU_ DQC\ImePb. <br />5. Cnding; Rough ping Is V<<J .ppro:dmate. <br />6. Unit cOJU ror Ind~ lletm (e.g.. pavlog. plantfng) lnelude nne ending. <br />1. Drain.; <br />Gradins:lIJICI dralOllllfllMunarenot: deslCoed. Types and qualKltle:Sof At. DraiN. Lines. 8<<". tnily vary eomIdenIbtyln nnll destgn. <br />8. Comuucllon: <br />Walls. Indudlng ",~IJ1jng walls. are nOl. yet designed. Hel,hU and quantities may wry considerably In "nil design. which IN)' rendc In hl,Mr oosl.5. <br />Sp...:lallyhelN <br />Parkl"lllorllghl:ln,. PJllIo I1ghling. and plaza lighting are wbjecl to chari,.. <br />9. Ptanllng: <br />Planting Is not yee designed. Types and qUlfltltlts.-y v.y coruldfnblyln I1naI desljn. <br />10. Com do no( Indude Bandmlnd. P'l1tlnflln RR Corridor. or Fire St.Uon Cukunll AU$ Cerner. <br /> <br />RlchardUt.onAuocllta <br />l.ancbapeArdtl=r..",Pt.nnlns <br />p.... <br />