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<br />Lions Wayside Park <br />P1eanmon, CA <br /> <br />p,.Umlnary <br />Opinion of Probable CoO$lfUl:tlon Cosh <br />SchnnM~ lmlfn Slap <br /> <br />12.16.05 <br /> <br />III. CorntNttlon <br />A. Paving <br /> I Concrete Paving - Sidewalk 6.000 SF 8.00 48.000 <br /> Z Concrete Paving - Park PadlS 5.500 SF 8.00 44,000 <br /> 3 Concrete P1aza at Arl$ Ctr. 2.400 SF 15.00 36.000 <br /> 4 Conaete Plaza It Neal St. Z.OOO SF 15.00 30.000 <br /> 5 Paved Areas at patti intersections 3.500 SF 10.00 35.000 Mlnl-ph,zas <br /> 6 ReglOfUlI Trall!Multl-U$e Path 6.000 SF 10.00 60.000 IZt't.wldo: <br /> 1 EVAW (E:merg. VehldeAccess) 3.700 SF 10.00 37.000 Acklcost gJ'lurfblockto""n <br /> 8 Parking 6.000 SF 12.00 72.000 Acceu_ytoTf;Jn$j).COITldor <br /> "'.000 <br />8. Walls, Ftntts. Etc. <br /> ) Coner. Wall - 18~ w.. 18~ h. 80 LF 150.00 12.000 Seat Wall ac Nu.l St.. Plaza <br /> 3 Coner. Wall, 3' h. max. 100 LF 200.00 20.000 Recafnloil W.nat Lobby pllWl <br /> " COlla. Wall at Exist. Eucalyptus 100 LF 150.00 t5.000 T 0 r~al" adjaant be,nu <br /> 5 Fence at E:xlst. Eucalyptus 18S LF 35.00 6.475 <br /> 6 Arbor Structure 500 SF 4S.OO 22.500 Feaa:.- at Nnl $I. P1auo <br /> 1 Trelll5Strutture 1000 SF 3S.00 35.000 WIlli WllIb l'tl!xt to ',JlIII"e BUldmnd <br /> 8 Low Fence at R~ Gdn. 150 LF 30.00 4.500 30 In. ht.., painted steel <br /> 115.475 <br />C. Ughting & SpeciaJty Items <br /> I Site PedestTlan Lighting 35 EA 1.800.00 63.000 30ft. O.C.Approlt. Spaclns <br /> 2 Cultural Arts Plaoza Llghling 10 EA 1.500.00 15.000 JnBoJlards <br /> 2 Neal Plna Lighting to EA 1.500.00 15.000 In&llan:b <br /> 5 Project 1.0. Sign 2EA 5.000.00 10.000 <br />6 Adventurt Play Arr:a 11$ 35,000.00 35.000 Allowance <br />1 Benches t2 EA 5.000.00 60.000 A!orlgpachs.HplUillS <br />8 Sltt Furnllure 15 EA 1.500.00 22,500 Tr.>sh. Boltanh. O!IC. <br /> no.'" <br /> SubtQtat ConSl:ructlon 697.975 <br /> <br />RI......dlM.or>A5sonMa <br />u...dIcIope AreJlllect<rn ""'omln&: <br />PageZ <br />