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<br />PRZ-13, ATTACHMENT 2, EXHIBIT "S" I <br /> <br />17.50.020 <br /> <br />Findings. <br /> <br />The City finds that: <br /> <br />a. Grccn aBuilding design, construction, and operation can have a significant <br />positive effect on encrgy and resource erticiency, wastc and pollution gencration, and thc <br />health and productivity of a building's occupants over the life ofthc building. <br />b. Green aBuilding benefits arc sprcad throughout the systcms and fcatures of <br />the building. Green aBuildings may usc rccycled-content building materials, consume <br />lcss energy and water, have better indoor air quality, and use less wood fiber than <br />conventional buildings. Construction wastc is oftcn recycled and remanufactured into <br />othcr building products. rcsulting in reduccd landfill impacts. <br />c. Dcsign and construc1ion dccisions madc by the City in thc construction and <br />rcmodcling of City buildings can result in significant encrgy cos1 savings to the City ovcr <br />the life of the buildings. Usc of Grccn Building tcchniques in all construction can rcduce <br />ovcrall energy consump1ion throughout thc City. <br />d. Based on studics by the Alameda County Waste Managcmcnt Authority <br />(ACWMA ), construction and demolition debris comprises up to 21 % of matcrials <br />disposed in Alamcda County landfills and opportunities exist for rcducing the generation <br />of this waste. <br />e. In recent years, gQreen aBuilding dcsign, construction and opcrational <br />techniques have become incrcasingly widespread. Many homeowners, busincsscs, and <br />building professionals have voluntarily sought to incorporatc gGreen aBuilding <br />techniques into their projccts. A number of local and national systcms have been <br />dcvcloped to servc as guides to gGreen aBuilding practices. At the nationallevcl, the <br />U.S. Grcen Building Council, devcloper of the Leadership in Energy and Environmental <br />Design (LEEDTM) Commercial Green Building Rating System and LEEDTM Refcrcncc <br />Guide, has bccome a leader in promoting and guiding gGreen aBuilding. At the rcgional <br />lcvcl. ACWMA has developcd Grccn Building guidclincs and Grcen Building rating <br /> <br />213 <br />