PERS CONT SERk) DIg TEL:916-326-3005 Sep 26'95 6:58 No.O01 P.1212
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<br /> ~MENT TO CONTIACT ~Tm~'-.
<br /> OFTHE
<br />
<br /> OFTHE
<br />
<br /> The Board of Adminisw~on, Public I~-rnployees' Retirem~ System, hereinafter referred to as Boaxd,
<br /> and the governing body of above public agency, hereirmfter referred to as Public Agency, having entered
<br /> inw a conn'aa effective Septettlber 1, 1953, and wimessed May 18, 19~3, and as amended effective April
<br /> I, I962, October 21, 19'F2, Septcrab6 28, 1973, January 5, 1980, January 3, I981, April 11, 1981,
<br /> September 20, 1986, l=ebruarY 18, 1987, June 13, 1987, September 5, 1987, February 26, 1993, May
<br /> 7, 1993 and December 8, 1995, which pwvides for participation of Public Agency in said System, Board
<br /> anti Public Agency hereby agree as follows:
<br />
<br /> A. ~hs I through 12 are hereby stricken from said corm'act as executed effective December
<br /> 8, 19~5, and ~ replaced by the following paragraphs numbered 1 through I2 inclusive:
<br />
<br /> 1. All words and terms used herein which are defined in the Public En~loyees' Retirement
<br /> Law shall have the rneavln~ as defined there4m unless otherwise specifit-:~ny provided.
<br /> 'Normal retiremen1 age' shall mean age 60 for local ~llaneous members and age 50
<br /> for local safety members.
<br />
<br /> 2. Public Agency shall participate in the Public P,.znployees' Retiremere System from and
<br /> after September I, 1953 making its employees as hereim-qer provided, members of said
<br /> System subjea w all proveiota of the Public Etttployees' Retirement Law except such
<br /> as apply only on election of a coilwa~inS agezlcy aZKl are POt provided for herein and w
<br /> all amendmeras to said Law hereafter enacted except those, which by express provisions
<br /> thereof, apply only on the election of a contnaing agency-
<br />
<br /> 3. Employees of Public Agency in the following classes shall become members of said
<br /> Retirement Systetn exc_,~t such in each such class as are excluded by law or this
<br /> agreeme, m:
<br />
<br /> a. Local l:ire Pigtzers (herdu tderred to as local safety member);
<br />
<br /> b. Local Police Officen (herein rderred to as local safety mereben):
<br />
<br /> c. p, mployees other than local safer/members (herein referred to as local
<br /> mLscellaneous m~mhers).
<br />
<br /> 4. In addition to the classes of employees excluded from membenhip by said Rairemerat
<br /> Law, the following classes of employees shall not become members of said Retiremrnl
<br /> System:
<br />
<br /> 5. The perce~mo,,e of f-real ~on to be provided for each year of credited prior anti
<br /> atrrenx service as a local miscellaneous nnsn~,ex shall be determined in accordance with
<br /> Section 21251.I32 of said P,_-~remem Law (2% ax age 55 Pull).
<br />
<br />
<br />