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which time the City Council will be presented with a report outlining the status of revenues and projects <br />proposed for funding. Obviously, staff will continue working on projects which have received partial <br />funding and approval in previous years. <br /> <br />By utilizing the above revenue forecasting method, the City avoids revenue shortfalls resulting from less <br />than anticipated development revenue and minimizes the financial impact of future development trends. <br />Also, consistent with previous years, streets and miscellaneous programs which are dependent upon <br />developer contributions, are listed as unfunded unless the contribution has already been collected or <br />unless there are assurances that the revenue will be collected during the next two fiscal years. <br /> <br />PROGRAM ORGANIZATION <br /> <br />This year, staff has reduced the size of this document for the purpose of making it easier to track multi- <br />year projects and to limit the amount of paper used in document production. As a result, while this <br />program is arranged by project category (i.e., Streets, Parks, Miscellaneous, Water and Sewer), project <br />description sheets for multiple year projects only appear in the first year they are funded. Further <br />project from each of the five project categories are found in one section rather than separate annual <br />sections as in past programs. Now, document tabs indicate project category rather than program year. <br />Financial tables which detail the specific revenues and project expenditures for each of the program <br />categories of Streets, Parks, Miscellaneous, Water and Sewer for each of the five years are included <br />in the following section. <br /> <br />Project identification numbers are included on project description sheets. The first two digits of these <br />numbers reflect the fiscal year the project was f'LrSt funded. The additional digits reflect City account <br />numbers. Page numbers identifying each project are included in the table of contents and on the <br />financial tables. <br /> <br /> In reviewing the document, it should be remembered that with the exception of General Fund tran.~fers, <br /> funds are not interchangeable between the five program categories. As a result, funds from, for <br /> example, the Sewer Replacement Program, may not be utilized to fund Streets or Miscellaneous <br /> projects. Allocation of funds is determined by City ordinance, accounting requirements or state/federal <br /> law. Further, water, sewer, and miscellaneous projects are divided into expansion, and <br /> replacement/improvement categories to assure that the appropriate revenue for each specific project in <br /> these categories is identified. This action is done primarily to conform with AB1600 which requires <br /> development revenue to be used for projects which address the impacts of new development. The exact <br /> amount of expansion and replacement/improvement revenue proposed for each of these projects is <br /> detailed on each of the applicable project description sheets. <br /> <br /> For easy identification, all unfunded projects are prioritized and listed near the end of this document. <br /> Projects listed in the "high" category are generally those that would be funded in the first year of the <br /> program if funding were available. To determine priorities, staff relies on a number of factors such as <br /> needs identified by the City Council, priorities listed in studies such as the Facilities Master Plan, <br /> review of City commissions, committees or task forces, the potential for future funding and identified <br /> staff needs. In addition, an attempt is made to either fund or label as "high" priority those projects <br /> which complete a previously started project such as a City park or other phased projects. Again, to <br /> <br /> ii <br /> <br /> <br />