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Honorable Mayor and Members of the Council: <br />BACKGROUND <br /> <br /> The five year capital improvement program has been prepared to provide the City <br />Council with information necessary to determine capital improvement needs over the next five <br />years. The program contains recommendations for funded projects and a detailed description <br />and listing of unfunded projects. High priority unfunded projects have been highlighted as a way <br />of indicating the importance of these projects and the fact that they will most likely be the first <br />considered, should additional funding become available. The proposed program represents <br />projections of estimated revenues and recommended projects for the next five fiscal years. As <br />with any forecasting program, unforeseen changes in the economy, construction/building <br />industry, emergency response requirements and other conditions may substantially impact the <br />priorities as set forth in the program. As a result, this review reassesses all projects in view of <br />existing economic and infrastructure conditions/needs to assure that available revenues are <br />targeted towards projects which are of the highest priority. <br /> <br /> A detailed overview of recommended expenditures and revenue projections, as well as <br />the introduction to the CIP which highlights revenue and expenditure estimates as well as <br />significant CIP projects is attached to this report. <br /> <br />DISCUSSION <br /> <br /> The proposed CIP estimates expenditures of $53,286,827 over the next five years from <br />estimated available revenue of $59,393,520. The first two years of the program are proposed <br />to be funded and authorizes staff to begin work on these projects. However, staff does not <br />expect to begin incurring any significant costs on new projects funded in the second year of the <br />program until the start of that fiscal year after an annual review has been completed. <br /> <br /> The two-year funding proposal differs from past CIP's in which funding was only <br />authorized for the first year of the program. However, to be consistent with the Operating <br />Budget, which has been modified to a two-year plan, and to better facilitate staffs project <br />development planning, the two-year funding period is proposed. <br /> <br /> On June 7, 1995, your Council held a workshop to discuss the proposed program. At <br />that workshop, and during the June 5th Operating Budget workshop, a number of issues were <br />raised by the public and your Council regarding this program. A summary of these issues and <br />staffs recommendations are as follows: <br /> <br />SR95:210 <br /> -2- <br /> <br /> <br />