General Fund Expenditures
<br />Expenditures were $35.3 million. After setting aside a reserve of $1,174,379 for expenditure
<br />carryovers from 1995-96 into 1996-97 as detailed in Appendix D, expenditures were $649,000
<br />(_1.8%) less than budgeted. The following table shows the difference between budgeted and
<br />actual costs (including carryovers) by major expense category.
<br />BUDGETED VS. ~kCTUAL 1995-96
<br /> Budget Actual Variance % Variance
<br /> (Incl carryovers)
<br /> Personnel $26,760.765 $26,145,452 $615,313 2.3%
<br /> Transportation &Training 832,414 827,178 5,236 0.6%
<br /> Repairs &Maintenance 895,796 804,840 90,956 10.2%
<br /> Material, Supplies & Service 7,868,255 7,945,482 (77,227) -1.0%
<br /> Capital Outlay 750,998 736, 159 14,839, 2.0%
<br /> Total $37,108,228 $36,459,111 $649,117 1.8%
<br />
<br /> Overall, personnel costs were $615,000 (2.3%) less than expected. in Police ag.d Fire
<br /> were due to a combination of factors, including some savings due to vacancms, less overtime
<br /> than was budgeted, and accumulating less unused vacation than in previous years (unused
<br /> vacation is an ex ense which the departments try to closely manage since the City must set aside
<br /> funds over and :~gve normal salary costs for vacation time which has been earned but not yet
<br /> used). General Services and Public Works personnel costs were under budget primarily due to
<br /> vacancies and using less temporary help than was planned. All other department variances are
<br /> small.
<br /> BUDGETED VS. ACTUAL 1995-96
<br />
<br /> Budget Actual Variance % Vatlance
<br /> (Incl carryovers)
<br /> Police $8,590,282 $8,391,769 $198,513 2.3%
<br /> Fire 5,738,950 5,576,300 162,650 2.8%
<br /> General Services 1,658,803 ! 1,510,109 148,694 9.0%
<br /> Public Works 3,323,762 3,228,356 95,406 2.9%
<br /> All Other 7,448,968 7,438,920 10,948 0.1%
<br />
<br /> Total $26,760,765 ~ $615,311 2.3%
<br />
<br /> 5
<br />
<br /> SR96:318
<br />
<br />
<br />