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Plcasamon C~ncrai Plan Update <br />Mitigauon Iviomwnng and Repomng Plan <br /> <br /> h additio~ ~ adoption and implementation of th~ following <br /> C~,~ Elcmenx policies and pwgranu: <br /> <br /> · Policy 6 (Maximizc w~6~c szfay for amanobilc. wansit bi~'cle <br /> ~m, <br /> <br /> · Pwgram 6.7 (Rcqu~ the ~ of bus mrnouw and shcltc~ <br /> alongplannaluan~wu~.) <br /> <br /> · Policy 9 (Ralucc tiz total numb~ of AvaaSc Daily Tnf]Sc (ADT) <br /> raps ~ough~ ew C~y.) <br /> <br /> · programg. l(prane~theu~oftransit, ridcshating, bicy. clin~and <br /> walkinS to the gcntral public thron_~i~ the Ci~s Transportation <br /> <br /> · ProSram 92 (F. nammSe employas to xllow emplo.vces to work at <br /> <br /> · Policy l0 (Reduce the pacana~ of A~ra~ Daily Traffic trips <br /> and evenly distn~u~ than throughout tlz peak hours.) <br /> <br /> · Program 10. 1 (Pran~ the use of flexfiaz and other measures to <br /> =nplo3zrs and employees throuSh the Ci~s Transportabort S.vs- <br /> tans Managane~ CrSM) Ordinance mi TSM Task For=.) <br /> <br /> · policy ll (Support the cc~linuai~ofthcLivamorc <br /> ~-~r Vancy Transit Auamrity 0JkVrA).) <br /> <br /> · ProSram 112 (Minitot bus ridership md adjust schaiul~ and <br /> routcsasncai~) <br /> · proltnm113(F. namra~thecxpansicnoftheLivcrmorcAmador <br /> Valley Transit Authority bus service 0mown as *Wheels*) to syn- <br /> chronize with BART tr~,, schednlu, to the ex~nt feasible.) <br /> <br /> ·Policy 13 (Support parawansit savic~ lo eldaiy and <br /> residazs of P!=sama~) <br /> <br /> · Program 13. 1 fFund caphal and opa-almS expenditures for <br /> Cites Dial-A-Bus prograrn.) <br /> <br /> · Policy 15 (Crcazandmaintainasafr,,~.v~ni~and~ve <br /> bicycle system which encourages inacasat bicycle use.) <br /> <br /> · Program 153 ~ bicycle lanes et scparaz bikeways into <br /> sm~ projects, whewvcr possible.) <br /> <br /> · Policy 16 (C rcale and rr~nt~in a safe ~d convenient ~ <br /> s',ystcm which cnwunS= waikin!~ as an aim-native to driving.) <br /> <br /> · P~ 16.1 (Require developers to fioancc and install sidewalks <br /> and pc~laman paxhways in future developments) <br /> <br /> <br />