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d. Concrete landings shall be installed, generally located in the areas of the P.S.E. desig- <br /> nated by the existing improvement plans for driveway openings, for access to the <br /> sidewalk from the office/industrial uses located on the opposite sides of Franklin <br /> Drive. <br /> <br /> Construction designs for the sidewalk shall be shown on improvement plans for review and <br /> approval by the City Engineer and Planning Director before issuance of a grading/building <br /> permit. <br /> <br />9. Before issuance of grading/foundation/building permits, the applicant shall submit a parcel <br /> map to abandon the section of Morse Drive located between Franklin Drive and Johnson <br /> Drive. With recordation of the parcel map, the existing street right-of-way and Public <br /> Service Easement (P.S.E.) areas shall be eliminated. In their place, new public service <br /> easements -- their width to be determined by the Planning Director and the City Engineer -- <br /> shall be recorded over the existing underground utilities, joint trench, etc. Because the pro- <br /> posed buildings are located outside of the existing P.S.E. areas, building construction may <br /> proceed concurrently with processing and recording the final parcel map. <br /> <br />10. With recordation of the parcel map, the developer shall enter into an agreement with the <br /> City of Pleasanton for the maintenance and repair of the traffic signal and detector loops <br /> serving the west leg -- private -- of the Morse Drive/Johnson Drive intersection. This <br /> agreement shall be reviewed and approved by the City Attorney prior to the parcel map's <br /> recordation. <br /> <br /> 11. Before issuance of building permits for Building "E", the fifth Providian building, the City <br /> Traffic Engineer shall evaluate circulation on the section of Franklin Drive located between <br /> Morse Drive and Johnson Drive. If determined to be necessary by the Traffic Engineer, the <br /> developer shall stripe a two-way left-turn lane on this section of Franklin Drive and install <br /> "No Parking" signs on Providian's side of Franklin drive before issuance of building per- <br /> mits. Installation of the left-turn lane means eliminating on-street parking on the east- and <br /> south-sides of Franklin Drive by the project. The location, design, and installation of the <br /> left-tun lane shall be completed to the satisfaction of the City Traffic Engineer. <br /> <br /> 12. At the building permit stage, the three flag poles proposed to be located in the private cul- <br /> de-sac bulb off Johnson Drive shall be reviewed by the Planning Director, Fire Marshal, <br /> and City Engineer. If determined to be a potential conflict with the project's ingress/egress, <br /> the flag poles shall be relocated. <br /> <br /> City Council Resolution No. 96-55 May 21, 1996 <br /> P UD-80-16-11D Page 3 <br /> <br /> <br />