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4. The interpretation of interruptible flow 4. The interpretation of interruptible flow <br />shall be as described in the January 7, 1994 shall be as described in the January 7, 1994 <br />memo from Bob Whitley to the Joint memo from Bob Whitley to the Joint <br />LAVWMA/EBDA Liaison Committee, LAVWMA/EBDA Liaison Committees, <br />Attachment 1. In order to avoid misinter- Attachment 1. In order to avoid misinter- <br />pretation of the interruptible flow concept, pretation of the interruptible flow concept, <br />language in the first full paragraph of page 2 of language in the first full paragraph of page 2 of <br />said memo from "LAVWMA's flow rate... said memo from "LAVWMA's flow rate... <br />day and season.", shall be replaced with the day and season.", shall be replaced with the <br />following: following: <br /> <br />"LAVWMA's flow rate into the EBDA system "LAVWMA's flow rate into the EBDA system <br />would be restricted by contract. The first would be restricted by contract. The first <br />limitation would be a firm baseline flow rate limitation would be a firm baseline flow rate <br />equal to 19.72 MGD. All LAVWMA equal to 19.72 MGD. All LAVWMA <br />instantaneous flow rates exceeding 19.72 instantaneous flow rates exceeding 19.72 <br />MGD would be restricted to the difference MGD would be restricted to the difference <br />between the maximum capacity of between the maximum capacity of <br />approximately 189.1 MGD and the actual total approximately 189.1 MGD and the actual total <br />combined instantaneous flow from all EBDA combined instantaneous flow from all EBDA <br />member agencies plus LAVWMA's 19.72 member agencies plus LAVWMA's 19.72 <br />MGD baseline flow rate. This is considered MGD baseline flow rate. This is considered <br />LAVWMA's secondary and interruptible LAVWMA's secondary and interruptible <br />capacity. The secondary capacity is variable capacity. The secondary capacity is variable <br />and dynamic as the actual flow rates change and dynamic as the actual flow rates change <br />continuously throughout any given hour, day continuously throughout any given hour, day <br />and season. As an example, for the total and season. As an example, for the total <br />system capacity of 189.1 MGD, when the system capacity of 189.1 MGD, when the <br />combined EBDA member agency combined EBDA member agency <br />instantaneous flow reaches 169.4 MGD, all instantaneous flow reaches 169.4 MGD, all <br />LAVWMA instantaneous flow beyond 19.72 LAVWMA instantaneous flow beyond 19.72 <br />MGD shall be interrupted." MGD shall be interrupted." <br /> <br /> A separate operating agreement will be A separate operating agreement will be <br />developed that fully describes operation, developed that fully describes operation, <br />responsibilities, and communication responsibilities, and communication <br />procedures during wet weather flow conditions procedures during wet weather flow conditions <br />such that both systems are protected and such that both systems are protected and <br />prevents spills and/or overflows. prevents spills and/or overflows. <br /> <br /> <br />