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EXHIBIT A <br /> <br />Real property in the City of Pleasanton, County ofAlameda, <br />State of California described as follows: <br /> <br />BEGINNING at the most southerly tSrminus of the western line <br />of lot 23 designated as "North 00 13' 37" West 88.40", as said _. <br />lot is shown on the map entitled "TRACT 6339, VISTA DIABLO, <br />CITY OF PLEASANTON, ALAMEDA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA", filed on _. <br />January 4,1994, in Book 206 of Maps at. Pages 44 and 45, <br />Alameda County Records; Running'thence along the direct <br />extension of the westerly terminus of the general southern <br />boundary line of said Lot 23 North 44°26' 17" West 5.48 feet <br />to a line drawn parallel with the western line of said lot 23, <br />distant 3.82 feet westerly therefrom, measured at right angles <br />thereto; thence along the last said parallel line so drawn <br />North 00°13' 37" West 84.47 feet to the direct extention of <br />the general northern line produced westerly of said lot 23; <br />thence along last said general northern line so produced North <br />89°46' 23" East 3.82 feet to said western line of lot 23; <br />thence along the last said western line of lot 23 South 0~ 13' <br />37" East 88.40 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; <br /> <br />And containing an area of 330 square feet, more or less. <br /> <br /> <br />