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MISCELLANEOUS PROJECTS <br /> CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM <br /> Fiscal Year 1997-98 (QTR 4) <br /> TABLE 3 <br /> <br /> REPLACEMENT PROJECTS <br /> ; RECOMMENDED FINAL <br /> <br /> 1997-98 ADOPTED QTR 4 ADJUSTED CARRYOVERS <br /> ADOPTED CARRYOVER ,e. 1997-98 BUDGET ACTUALS TO <br />CIP~ PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1997-98 AMENDMENTS AMENDMENTS 1997-98 1997-98 1c~8-~:~ <br /> GENERAL <br />948056].~tse Payts: Series A & B (60°/.) 50Z540 (49.855/ 452,685 452.685 0 <br />948051Lease Payments: Animal Shelter (560/0) 56.560 ( 16, 145) 40.415 40.415 0 <br />958053Reserve for New City Hall/Community Cemer (60%) 1.800.580 3.158,598 4,959.178 0 4.959,178 <br />958070Lea, ted Building Improvements 379 (379) 0 0 0 <br />958071200 Old Berna] Modular 233,314 54,768 288.082 288.082 0 ' <br /> <br />958072Modificationsto 123 Main St 330.739 175.000 505.739 157.881 347.858 <br /> <br />958073Modifications to 200 Old Bemal 738.~o0 466,701 1.205.661 31,481 I. 174. 180 <br />958030Conversion to g00MHz Radio System - Phase lI (60°/e)87,000 240,000 327,000 310,30Q 16,691 <br />958032City, Parking Lo~ Dumpster Enclosure (60%) 426 426 426 0 <br />%8025 Aerial Survey & Base Map (6(P/e) 29.850 29.850 559 29.291 <br />908063Expand City Hall 0 0 <br />948050New Permit Issuance System (60%) 0 0 0 <br />%8036 Municipal Golf Course: Preliminary ExpensesilOOe/0) 819.738 819.738 536,023 283.715 <br />968037Addition to City Council C hambers (60°/,) 37.800 37.800 0 37.800 <br />968043UtiliW Mapping Project 78309 78309 27.000 51309 <br />978043Slotage Facihiy at OSC to Replace Vervais Yard ( 100°/0)35.000 568 35.568 35.568 O <br />978042Modifications to City Permitting System (34%) 42.500 42.500 1.390 4 I. I I 0 <br />958074BuildinglnspectionModulat 60.500 (21~088} 39.412 39.412 0 <br /> GENERAL TOTAL 2.524. 180 5.728.413 609.570 8.862.163 1.921.231 6.940.932 <br /> POLICE DEPARTMENT <br />938037Roof for Fuel Pumps 2.636 2.636 2.63e. 0 <br />%8026 Expansion of Police Department Building (loan to expansion) I 13.500 I 13.500 I 13.500 0 <br /> POLICE DEPT. TOTAL 0 116.136 0 116.136 116.136 0 <br /> FIRE DEPARTMENT <br />948046FireStationn4-Design/Construction&Equipment(64%) 512.000 801.402 1.313.402 15.828 1.297.574 <br />958035Equipment for 2 Fire Engines purchased 1994-95 (64%) 9.008 9.008 0 9.008 <br />%8027 Replace Fire Engine & Equipment (1975 Boardman) (1000/o) 341.473 341.473 330.313 11.160 <br />%8028 Computer Networking of Fire Stations (64%) 19.200 19.200 19.200 0 <br />948047Replace Fire Engine &Equipment 32.25 [ 32.251 0 32.251 <br />978044TrafSfic Light-Priority Control System {OPTICOM) (IOOa/D)[00.000 I00.000 93.005 6.995 <br />978045DesignandContructionofFireAdminBuildin~Station4 (64%)256.000 256.000 0 256.000 <br />978054Disel Exhaust Removal System - All Stations {IO(P/o)I00.000 100.O00 84.260 15,740 <br />978047Equipment for Two New Fire Engines, due in 1997 (64~/0)32.000 32.000 322 31.678 <br />978099Fire Station Communications 57.000 I 0.000 67.000 0 67,000 <br />978048WildlandFire~gtingVehicle (64%) 51.200 51,200 0 51.200 <br /> FIRE DEPT. TOTAL 1.051.200 1.260.334 I 0.000 2.321,534 542.928 1.778.606 <br /> PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES <br />887057Lease Payments: Senior Center (60°/,) 300.912 {22330i 278.582 278.582 0 <br />978037playEquipment&parkFumiture-VariousParks(lOO%) 30.200 45.849 76.049 23.696 52,353 <br />958038Fair[andsParkRehabilitation(lOOe/o) 563.674 563.674 174,714 388,960 <br />958039Central lrrigation Contro] System (60°/0) 116.057 116,057 ]16.057 0 <br />958040Moller Park Sidewalk Replacement (t00*/e) 104,035 i 104,035 104,035 0 <br />95804 [Pimlico Drive Landscaping (60%) 48.900 I 48.900 48.900 0 <br />958042Sport Court Resurfacing (100°/0) 10.328 10.328 10,328 0 <br />958043Hansen Park Pathway Repair (1000/,) 0 0 0 0 <br />958044Wayside Park - Bands~and Improvements ( 100%) 125.969 125.969 48, I I 0 77,859 <br />%8029 SportsparkDriveRoadRepair(IO0o/0) 140.000 140~000 0 140,000 <br />%8031 Century House - Interior Redenoration ( 100%) 20.000 20.000 0 20.000 <br />978063Amador Valley Community Park Lighting ( lOO°/a) 31.000! 31.0001 25.348 5.652 <br />958052Restate for Community Center 0 ] 0 <br />887058Senior Center Construclion Balance 0 0 s 0 0 <br />938040Sports Park Irrigation Renovation 900 900 0 [ 900 <br />948048Valley Trails Park Renovation 0 0 <br />948049Play Equipment 0 0 <br />857082Pleasanton Upper Field Improvement 0 0 0 <br />947042Kottinger Park Improvement 0 0 0 <br />%8034 Play Equipment & Fumiture~ Various Parks ( 10(3%) 0 0 0 0 <br />978049Master Plan and Renovation of Delucchi Park. (100°/,)90,000 (75.%9) 14.031 14.031 0 <br />978050Fairlands Park Renovation - Phase II. (100°/0) 225.000 (225,000) 0 0 0 <br />978051OfrLeash Dog Park. (lO0°/a) 15.000 15,000 29 14.97l <br />978052Irrigation Control System - Phase II. (10(P/e) 110.000 (28.457) 5.034 86.577 86,577 0 <br />%8040 ?ivic Park Disabled Access Path 0 0 0 0 <br />947041Tennis Park 12.000 12.000 12.000 0 <br />978053:entennialParkArlProject. (100%) 59,000 59.000 17.216 41,784 <br /> PARKS TOTAL $861.112 $858.286 ($17.2%1 $ 1.702.102 $959.623 $742,479 <br /> t'dl <br /> rpl984q XLS <br /> <br /> <br />