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v 3EP-08-98 WED 09:45 ~EyERS,NfiVE,RIBfiOK~SILV. FfiX NO, 5!0 351 4481 P,05~? .. <br /> <br /> would h,~ve disbursed tl~c rmnahtdtzr Of $792.UUU. The First Con~punent ~vcmld be <br /> r~duce~ by S699.fl.55 to becuine S5.643 620. <br /> <br /> (e) Upon tcrminaUcm, Dublin shah have no fuzdxer obligation to disbursc <br /> any Fcc revenues (Base Fee~ nndTor tZscalator Fees) to Pleasanton <br /> <br /> -_t.v_~.fiOn 8~ Cnopera~iou_on..t-580 lmpr~ wem_eI~ <br /> <br /> D.blin and Pleasanton ag~'cc to work coopcrafivcly to facilitate fie issuance ot <br /> any permits and approvals necessary ro nndert;~:e any improvrdncuts [o [-58{.), <br /> including improvemetKs to interchanges located on 1-.-~80 ia order to mitigate traffic <br /> hapacts associated with the buildout of each City'-~ Gcncr'al Plan. Such cooperation <br /> will include, bu~ shall nor be limited re, approval of ffecway agreements wir2x Cakrans <br /> and encroachment permits requifcd from one city for work by CalTrans or d~c othei' <br /> cit~ (ur developers nf land within sud~ city) for fleeway improvements necessary to <br /> accommodate both cities' gcncral plan buffdour; provided, however, that itoLhing in <br /> r}li~ ~ction i.e. intended to coatpcl alLher c,tv m act, or to take actiUlh where rn do so <br /> would be inconsistent '*kh that clty'~ gcncr'.d plan policics. <br /> <br /> .~cction 9. I-.580/Fa]lon-hl Ch:~r~rf_LLV. ILL~ <br /> <br /> Dublin and Pleasanton agree th=~ the ~.c~ponsibili~y ~or rending improvemea~ <br /> ~o d~c 1-580/Fall~n-~t Ch'-,rro Interchange ~o ~ccommod.~te uttimate buildou~, as <br /> between l~lhti n and Pleasanton, ~'~i1 b: ba~ccl on each city'.~ respective percentage <br /> share ~}f ~ra~fic from all dcvc]opn~zxL wit. bin each dry (~xisLing and new) using the <br /> Inrorchangc. Any funding from umer jnri~dicUons or ouuidc gra~tt~ would reduce <br /> both 1)ublin;s and Pleasauton's reslnmsilDility proportionally. ,-~' used herran, <br /> "iraprovemcnts' shall rder to those improvements included by Calt. r~n~ m the <br /> Celttans' appwv~d Preliminary btudy Report (PSR) uztd certified environmental <br /> document for I-S80/Fatlan-El Chatro Interchange. <br /> <br /> If Dubh,~ constructs the improvestents to the l-blSO/Fallun El Charro <br /> Interchange, Dublin agrees that the amuunl P~easanton ~-hai1 be requircd to remit rn <br /> ' Dllbhn at any paint in time shall not exceed r..he amount that Dubli~ has theretr~forc <br /> disbursed ~.o Pleasanton under ~his Agreement, provided fi~at if PIe~anttm has not <br /> remitted its total share of the improvements to Dublin by the ~imc Dublin completes <br /> construction of the improvements, Pleasa,~tun shall remit the remainder or its ghare <br /> in accord. a~t~-c ~i~h the ~greement referred tO in d~t: following p~ragraph. <br /> <br /> Freeway {ntcrcnan5e F~.c Agreement ~,~,6,~ s ,~ '~ <br /> <br /> <br />