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DISCUSSION OF GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES <br />__ Salary Savings <br />Net salary savings as a result of not filling positions is estimated at $948,000. The budget <br />included an allowance of $400,000 for vacancies, therefore the net savings is $548,000. <br />Vacancies occurred in the Police, Fire, General Services, Personnel, Law, and Public Works <br />departments. <br />Overtime <br />Overall, overtime projections are being increased by $11,000. Police overtime projections are <br />being reduced by $38,500 based on usage to date, while Fire Department overtime projections <br />are being increased by $52,000 to reflect overtime coverage needed for vacancies and injuries. <br />Small increases or decreases are reflected in Finance, Personnel, Building Inspection, General <br />Services, and Parks & Community Services. <br />Capital Outlay <br />Staff is recommending that $114,000 of the salary savings be utilized for equipment and other <br />capital expenses. Some of the major changes are: <br />General Fuad Capital Outlay Adjustments <br />Computer hardware & software $60,000 <br />Office equipment 17,000 <br />Field equipment 15,000 <br />Equipment for Aquatics Center 15,000 <br />All other (net) 7,000 <br />Total $114,000 <br />Contract Services <br />Staff is recommending a net adjustment of $389,000 in contract services. Major items are <br />shown in the table on the following page. <br />SR 98:63 <br />Page 6 <br />