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Vehicle License Fees <br />_ Vehicle license fees are a subvention received from the State in lieu of property taxes on motor <br />vehicles. The subvention amount is determined by population. Based on the first six months <br />actual receipts, staff is recommending that the revenue projection be increased by $74,000 to <br />$2.3 million. <br />On April 15, 1998 the State Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee is scheduled to hear <br />SB 2001 and SB 1723, legislation designed to repeal the vehicle license fees that go to cities and <br />counties. SB 2001 immediately repeals the vehicle license fees with no backfills for the local <br />government loss. SB 1723 phases the revenue source out over a period of time and backfills <br />local governments with other state general fund money. Staff is in the process of preparing <br />letters from the Mayor to our legislators opposing these two bills. Staff will continue to monitor <br />their progress. <br />Building and Public Works Fees <br />Building Permit and Plan Check collections through February of this year were $2.44 million <br />compared to $2.03 million in the same period of the previous year. Therefore, staff is <br />increasing Building Permit and Plan Check fee projections by $290,000 from $3.06 million to <br />$3.35 million. Public Works Inspection fee estimates are also being increased by $179,000, <br />from $313,000 to $492,000. In total, staff is projecting a net increase of about $469,000 in <br />combined Building, Public Works and Plan Check Fees. <br />Planning Fees <br />Planning revenue projections are being adjusted by only $6,000. The adjusted projection is now <br />$193,000. <br />Recreation Revenues <br />Recreation revenues are estimated to be $1.99 million, which is $62,000 less than the original <br />projection. The decrease is primarily due to a reduction in projected aquatic receipts due to the <br />planned water slide fee not being implemented and the implementation delay in the Masters <br />program for lap swimming. <br />SUMMARY OF GENERAL FUND REVENUE PROJECTION ADJUSTMENTS <br />In total, net recommended adjustments to General Fund revenue projections reflect a 1 million <br />increase, from $46.4 million to $47.4 million, or about 2%. <br />SR 98:63 <br />Page 4 <br />