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1 DR = P~,, -.19.72 X 25.00% <br />2 51.28 <br />3 where, PN =the peak wet weather flow determined from 3.4, above. <br />4 4. Variable Costs: As defined by EBDA's Second Amended Joint Exercise of Powers <br />5 Agreement, "Variable Costs shall be deemed to be costs of energy used for <br />6 pumping, chemical costs used in operation of the Joint Facilities and maintenance <br />7 and repair charges incurred in the operation and maintenance of the system." <br />8 LAVWMA's variable cost rate percentage shall be determined on a monthly basis <br />9 and shall be determined by the following formula: (A _ B) x 100, where A and B <br />1D are as defined above. This percentage shall not be used in LAVWMA's costs for <br />11 power and chemicals for dechlorination as defined by Dechlorination costs above. <br />12 5. Capital Proiect Costs Capital Project Costs shall be charged according to the <br />13 Fixed Cost Percentage described in Number 3, above. <br />14 6. LAVWMA Participation in EBDA Programs LAVWMA shall be responsible for <br />15 percent costs as defined above in the following EBDA Fiscal Year Programs: <br />16 Program 12 06 General Administration -includes all costs associated with <br />17 the overall administration and management of EBDA's ongoing business <br />18 operations as a wastewater management agency. <br />19 Program 1210 Outfall and Forcemains -for LAVWMA shall include all costs <br />20 associated with the forcemain between the Oro Loma Pump Station and the <br />21 Marina Dechlorination Facility, the forcemain between the San Leandro <br />22 Pump Station, and the Bay Outfall. <br />23 Program 12 12 San Leandro Pumg Station -includes all costs associated <br />24 with the operation and maintenance of the facility. <br />25 Program 1214 Marina Dechlorination Facility -includes all costs associated <br />26 with the operation and maintenance of the facility. <br />27 Program 12 16 Oro Loma Pump Station -includes all costs associated with <br />28 the operation and maintenance of the facility. <br />29 Program 12 21 Bav & Effluent Monitoring -includes all costs associated <br />30 with required NPDES laboratory analysis, receiving water monitoring, and <br />31 reporting. <br />32 Special Projects - LAVWMA shall participate in other projects that are <br />33 directly related to the interests of LAVWMA as agreed upon by the General <br />34 Managers of EBDA and LAVWMA. Such projects may be required by the <br />35 RW~CB or may be of mutual benefit. Cost sharing for LAVWMA may be <br />ra rev. o per point mtng o c o er , <br />