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1 3.3 Certain costs shall be allocated on a case by case basis subject to the <br />2 Agreement of EBDA and LAVWMA. <br />3 3.4 LAVWMA cost sharing shall be as identified in Exhibit "A", attached hereto <br />4 and made a part hereof as though fully set forth herein. <br />5 4. LAVWMA Participation in Capital Project Costs <br />6 4.1 IAVWMA is responsible for its share of costs for any capital project that is <br />7 to reFlace and/or repair all EBDA facilities except the Alvarado and Hayward pump <br />8 stations, and the forcemain from Alvarado to Oro Loma. <br />9 4.2 It is assumed that projects covered by this section are not covered by <br />10 EBDA's Renewal and Replacement Fund Program. It is further assumed that projects are <br />11 required due to the age of the facilities or damage from natural or unnatural causes. <br />12 Costs attributable to LAVWMA would be exclusive of funds received from insurance, or <br />13 state and federal relief. <br />14 4.3 LAVWMA cost sharing shall be as identified in Exhibit "A", attached hereto <br />15 and made a part hereof as though fully set forth herein. <br />16 5. Capital Buy-In Fee <br />17 5.1 LAVWMA shall pay a capital buy-in fee of $10,000,000 payable according <br />18 to the following schedule: <br />19 5.1.1 St~b~ecttoParagraph 18t LAVWMA shall pay $3,000,000 on or before <br />20 December 31,1999. <br />21 5.1.2 IAVWMA shall pay the remaining $7,000,000 plus accrued interest <br />22 commencing on July 1, 2000 and annually each July 1, through and including July 1, <br />- 23 2030. In the event that EBDA is terminated on or before July 1, 2030, payments shall be <br />r rev. o per ~omt mtng o cto er , <br />