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Member shall continue to be responsible for its share of the general budget during <br /> 2 the five-year withdrawal period. <br /> <br /> 3 Paragraph 28. Reinstatement. A party, subsequent to its filing of its notice of <br /> 4 withdrawal or its actual withdrawal from LAVWMA, may seek reinstatement as a <br /> 5 "member of LAVWMA. Application for reinstatement shall be made in writing to <br /> 6 LAVWMA and the members. A party shall be reinstated upon affirmative action by <br /> 7 the Board and the then existing members of LAVWMA. The Board may require a <br /> 8 party seeking reinstatement to meet any terms and conditions which the Board <br /> 9 deems appropriate to insure quality of treatment and participation. <br /> <br />10 Paragraph 29. Term and Termination. This Agreement shall continue in force <br />11 until rescinded or terminated at the end of any fiscal year by consent of all the <br />12 Members. Upon termination, every Member Agency shall be entitled to receive <br />13 such property and surplus money of LAVWMA as may lawfully be distributed in <br />14 proportion to the contribution made by the respective Member Agencies. <br /> <br />15 Para~aph 30. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon and <br />16 inure to the benefit of the successors or assigns of the Member Agencies. No <br />17 Member Agency may assign any right or obligation herein without the written <br />18 consent of each of the other Member Agencies. <br /> <br />19 Paragraph 31. Repeal of Prior Documents. The documents entitled "Joint Exercise <br />20 of Powers Agreement" entered into on the 18th day of June 1974, the Modifications <br />21 to LAVWMA Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement entered into on May 31, 1977, and <br />22 the "Second Modification to LAVWMA Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement" <br />23 entered into on October 20, 1993, are hereby repealed and replaced by this <br />24 Agreement. The repeal of these prior agreements does not affect any existing <br />25 contract or obligation of LAVWMA with any third party. <br /> <br />26 Paragraph 32. Severabili_ty. Should any portion, term, condition or provision of <br />27 this Agreement be decided by a court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal or in <br />28 conflict with any law of the State of California, or otherwise rendered unenforceable <br />29 or ineffectual, the validity of the remaining portions, terms, conditions, or <br />30 provisions shall not be affected thereby. Except in the circumstances set forth in <br />31 paragraph 15.4.2, if any provision of this Agreement is held invalid or otherwise <br />32 becomes unenforceable for any reason, the Member Agencies shall use their best <br />33 efforts to revise this Agreement to the maximum extent legally feasible in order to <br />34 cure the invalidity. In such event, LAVWMA shall retain the authority to maintain <br />35 its other facilities and to reline and repair the pipeline existing at the time of <br />36 execution of this Agreement. The Member Agencies shall operate all existing <br />37 LAVWMA facilities in a coordinated manner in order to carry out the goals and <br />38 purposes of this Agreement. <br /> <br /> Approved as to Form: <br /> CITY OF LIVERMORE CITY OF LIVERMORE <br /> <br /> LAVWMA/JPA/Board6/Clean -16- July 7, 1997 <br /> <br /> <br />