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RES 97091
City of Pleasanton
RES 97091
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11/6/1998 7:33:28 PM
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"1 Paragraph 19. Ci~ Participation in Pro!ect. <br /> <br />2 19.1 After the-LAVWMA Board approves the Project, the cities of Pleasanton and <br />3 Livermore will take question of participation in the Project to their respective <br />4 voters at the earliest possible date. It is anticipated that such a vote will occur <br />5" no later than November 1998. If an election cannot be held by that date <br />6 because the LAVWMA Board is unable to take action on the Project in <br />7 sufficient time to allow the cities to place the matter on the ballot, the matter <br />8 will be placed on the ballot no later than the next established election date <br />9 following approval of the Project. Except as provided in paragraph 19.2, no <br />10 Member Agency shall proceed with the Project until after the cities have had <br />11 an opportunity to take the question of participation in the Project to their <br />12 voters. <br /> <br />13 19.2 Once the LAVWMA Board has approved the Project in accordance with <br />14 Paragraph 15.3 and the cities have had sufficient time to place the question of <br />15 participation in the Project on the ballot at the next established election date, <br />16 ff one or both cities fail to do so, DSRSD alone or DSRSD and any dty that <br />17 receives approval of the voters may proceed with the Project, subject to the <br />18 limitations in paragraph 15.4. <br /> <br />19 19.3 If the ballot measure fails in one or both cities, then DSRSD alone or DSRSD <br />20 and any city that receives approval of the voters may proceed with the Project, <br />21 subject to paragraph 15.4. <br /> <br />22 19.4 In the event that the initial ballot measure fails in either city, that city may <br />23 place a subsequent measure or measures on the ballot until November 2005. <br />24 If the subsequent measure passes, that city may buy capacity the participating <br />25 Member Agencies have constructed up to that city's share of PWWF capacity <br />26 as set forth in paragraph 15, by agreeing to pay an appropriate share of the <br />27 Project cost, including any actual interest costs for the capacity. <br /> <br />28 19.5 If a Member Agency does not participate in the Project, it will not be entitled <br />29 to utilize its allocated portion of the expansion increment of the Project (as set <br />30 forth in paragraph 15.2) nor will the non-participating Member be liable for <br />31 costs of construction, replacement or operation of the expansion component <br />32 of the Project, but each non-participating Member Agency retains its right to <br />33 utilize its existing PWWF capacity in the existing LAVWMA pipeline and <br />34 pumping facilities, which is Livermore, 8.728 mgd; Pleasanton, 7.503 mgd; <br />35 and DSRSD 4.769 mgd. The non-participating Member retains its share of <br />36 other LAVWMA facilities as set forth in paragraph 12, remains subject to the <br />37 other limitations of this Agreement including the influent limit as set forth <br />38 in paragraph 13 and the Service Area limitations of paragraph 14, and is <br />39 responsible for paying its fair share of the repair component. The non- <br />40 participating Member's portion of the expansion increment of the Project (as <br />41 set forth in Paragraph 15.2) shall be reallocated pursuant to paragraph 19.6. <br /> <br /> LAVWMA/JPA/Board6/Clean -12- July 7, 1997 <br /> <br /> <br />
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